Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Lets See If These Celebrities Do Move If Trump Is Elected!

Here Are The Celebrities That

 Promised to Leave the U.S. if 

Trump Wins

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Here Are The Celebrities That Promised to Leave the U.S. if Trump Wins
Too Harsh? Blake Breaks Silence About Gwen
image: http://t.newsmaxfeednetwork.com/im.gif?data=MDZmYmIyOTdmNDcwOGNhODVjYmY3ZDkyNmNmNDJmYzc4NzA0ZTA3ZjFhMmI5ZjdlN2E5MGQ1M2ExYWQxMzM5MjNhYzVjODcxZjRjZTU2ODRjMzNiNzVkOTg0NWYwNTMwZDU5NjEzYTkyYjZlZTY1MDhhZTM5MmEyNzM5M2NlZGY3MGI0NWM2OGU2MzEwMDM2ZTdhNTIxZGIzNjFkZjAxZmE4ODNhYTEyNjBkZTNhNjg1Mzc5NDRiMjk1OWVjN2VlY2JiOWE1NGI5MDI3YWMwOTI0OWQxY2Y5N2Q2MzE3NzFkYmY5ZDZiZGVkMDFlNjc3NGUwODUxNTc5ZDYwMDVhMGUzODU1ZDQ1OWZjYmM3ZDEzZDBmMzk1MmNlZTBhZDVkMzY5MzIxYzg4MTQ5MGQxY2E1MTZjYTExZGVkZmQ5NTI%3D&sid=8134763312e14d6db9f673c0967cf3ee_d0089619
image: http://t.newsmaxfeednetwork.com/vi.gif?data=MDZmYmIyOTdmNDcwOGNhODVjYmY3ZDkyNmNmNDJmYzc4NzA0ZTA3ZjFhMmI5ZjdlN2E5MGQ1M2ExYWQxMzM5MjNhYzVjODcxZjRjZTU2ODRjMzNiNzVkOTg0NWYwNTMwZDU5NjEzYTkyYjZlZTY1MDhhZTM5MmEyNzM5M2NlZGY3MGI0NWM2OGU2MzEwMDM2ZTdhNTIxZGIzNjFkZjAxZmE4ODNhYTEyNjBkZTNhNjg1Mzc5NDRiMjk1OWVjN2VlY2JiOWE1NGI5MDI3YWMwOTI0OWQxY2Y5N2Q2MzE3NzFkYmY5ZDZiZGVkMDFlNjc3NGUwODUxNTc5ZDYwMDVhMGUzODU1ZDQ1OWZjYmM3ZDEzZDBmMzk1MmNlZTBhZDVkMzY5MzIxYzg4MTQ5MGQxY2E1MTZjYTExZGVkZmQ5NTI%3D&sid=8134763312e14d6db9f673c0967cf3ee_d0089619
Several celebrities have promised that if Hillary Clinton does not defeat Donald Trump, they'll move out of the country—some to Canada, and some much, much farther. See who's on the list below.

1. Bryan Cranston. The “Breaking Bad” star said he would relocate to Canada — and “it wouldn’t be a vacation.” See what else he had to say here.

2.  Amy Schumer. Schumer recently told BBC Newsnight that anyone who doesn't like Hillary Clinton is uninformed. She went on to say that she would move to Spain if Trump was elected.

"It's beyond my comprehension if Trump won. It's just too crazy," she said. 

3.  Chelsea Handler. The comedienne said, like Schumer, that she would move to Spain.

“I did buy a house in another country just in case, so all of these people that threaten to leave the country and then don't, I will leave the country,” she said on “Live with Kelly and Michael” in May.

4. Barbra Streisand. The singer might opt to live Down Under.

“[Trump] has no facts. I don't know, I can't believe it. I'm either coming to your country [Australia], if you'll let me in, or Canada,” she reportedly told Australian journalist Michael Usher in August.

5. Lena Dunham.  The “Girls” creator vowed to retreat to Canada.

“I know a lovely place in Vancouver, and I can get my work done from there,” Dunham said at the Matrix Awards in April. “I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will.” She has been an outspoken Clinton supporter throughout the election, which even extended to her anti-Trump Halloween costume. She also put out a “Sensual Pantsuit Anthem” in honor of Clinton.

6. Samuel L. Jackson. South Africa would be the destination of choice for the famous actor.

“[Trump's] just running for popularity. C’mon, just let it go,” he said on “The View” in June.

7.  George Lopez. The comedian would take refuge in Mexico.

“If he wins, he won't have to worry about immigration, we'll all go back,” he told TMZ in February.

8. Jon Stewart.  Where would this comedian move? Another planet.

"I would consider getting in a rocket and going to another planet, because clearly this planet's gone bonkers," he told reporters. 

9. Cher. Like Stewart, the pop icon is not satisfied with simply moving to another country. She said that if Trump is elected, she'll move to Jupiter.

Read more at http://americanupdate.com/articles/here-are-the-celebrities-that-promised-to-leave-the-u-s-if-trump-wins#fXcg5Q8CQlaSQIBc.99

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