Thursday, November 24, 2016

Mistake! Republicans Back Pelosi

GOP group trolls Pelosi with minority leader endorsement


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The National Republican Congressional Committee just endorsed Senate Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as she fights to keep her position. Why? Pelosi’s incompetence is an asset for the GOP.
In a press release the NRCC, a powerful GOP campaign organization, said there is no better way for the Democratic Party to continue its march toward irrelevance than continuing under Pelosi’s leadership.
“No single person deserves more credit for House Republicans’ historic majority than Nancy Pelosi,” said NRCC Communications Director Katie Martin. “Under Nancy Pelosi’s leadership, House Democrats have become completely irrelevant, and there is no better way to ensure that remains the case than by keeping her as Minority Leader. The NRCC offers its full support to Nancy Pelosi as she attempts to fend off this challenge to her failed leadership from within the ranks of her own party.”
Pelosi is currently fighting to keep her position as many Democratics argue that it’s time for a new direction within the party following Hillary Clinton’s crushing defeat and disappointing performance in congressional races in November.
Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan, who is challenging Pelosi for the leadership position, said he expects Democrats to continue losing ground unless a drastic shakeup occurs within the party.
“Under our current leadership, Democrats have been reduced to our smallest congressional minority since 1929. This should indicate to all of us that keeping our leadership team completely unchanged will simply lead to more disappointment in future elections,” he said in a statement.
Still, Pelosi remains confident that she’ll retain control of her position.
“Without even asking anybody for a vote, I have over two-thirds of the caucus supporting me,” she told reporters this week. “It’s a funny thing, in a caucus or any place: When somebody challenges you, your supporters turn out.”
Of course, Pelosi’s remark came after other Democratic leaders created major questions about the inevitability of her speakership by delaying a planned leadership vote until the end of the month.
Much of revolt against Pelosi and other establishment Democrats can be attributed the millions of disgruntled Democrats who would have preferred to have seen Sen. Bernie Sanders at the top of the party’s presidential ticket. Pelosi and her ilk represent all of the worst aspects of the leftist political establishment which many voters see as putting special interests and big government over traditional liberal values.
During President Obama’s two terms in the White House, Pelosi was one of many Democrats who became a rubber stamp for an administration that repeatedly violated traditional liberal principles on everything from civil liberties and war to crony capitalism.
And she’s likely to be just the first victim of a Democratic purge and restructuring not unlike the movement within the GOP which pushed the establishment to the side in favor of lawmakers with more devotion to small government and liberty-minded Republicans.
But, as in the Republican Party, the establishment will fight to retain as much control as possible.
For small government conservatives on the right, the changes occurring in the Democratic Party are really good news. As the party fractures further, expect to see a growing contingent of Democratic lawmakers with a strong devotion to civil liberties, clamping down on corporate cronyism and increasingly scrutinizing U.S. military adventurism.
As those voices grow stronger, they’ll find common ground with lawmakers just outside of the establishment on the other side of the aisles and, with any luck, begin to build a bipartisan coalition to further the cause of less government overreach in fiscal and civil liberty matters.

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