Tuesday, November 15, 2016

No Wonder Hillary Did Not Make Her Concession Speech Early On Wednesday Morning

Did Hillary Hit the Bottle Hard on Election Night?

  • 11/15/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: Remington Strelivo
18 6 5  48
A drunken Hillary Clinton physically attacked her aides on Election Night as
 the presidential race slipped out of her hands, according to reports.

Radio host Todd Kincannon first broke the story on Twitter, citing an 
anonymous CNN reporter friend—whose bosses had blocked the story
 from being reported in the mainstream media.

Kincannon’s source was covering the Clinton campaign’s election night
 party at New York City’s Javits Center. Once it was clear that Hillary was
 going to lose, the former Secretary of State became “physically violent” 
towards campaign manager Robby Mook and campaign chairman John
 Podesta around midnight. Her doctor had to physically restrain her and
 “add sedatives to the mix."

When one of Kincannon’s Twitter followers asked if the former Secretary of
 State was drunk, Kincannon responded: “She was… She was in a 'psychotic
 drunken rage’ according to my reporter friend."

Other sources cited by Kincannon also seemed to corroborate this account. 
Another CNN source claimed that Hillary’s behavior "was straight up 
'Hitler-in-the-bunker’,” and that she had launched into “psychotic screaming
 about ‘the Russians,’” whom Hillary frequently claimed had given Wikileaks
 access to her team’s hacked emails.

Several other sources, stemming from Twitter responses to Kincannon’s story,
 added that Clinton insiders had confirmed she was “drunk as a skunk” on 
Election Night. So drunk that, when Podesta told her to it was time to go out
 and speak to the loyal supporters who had been waiting for her all night, 
she instead replied, “F*ck them—you do it!”

Podesta would eventually be the one to address the crowd at the Javits 
Center, at around 2am. He didn’t concede the election, but told supporters
 to “head home” because the election was “too close to call.” But by that 
point, it was already clear Donald Trump had won the presidency: Hillary 
herself would make a concession call to the President-Elect shortly after
 Podesta’s speech.

Hillary’s wild night ended with a big hangover: sources claimed that, the 
following morning, Hillary required a large dose of amphetamines in order
 to make it through her concession speech. It was reportedly such a large 
dose that she apparently experienced “unexpected nosebleeds” all day, and 
there was fear among her staff that she would bleed during her concession
speech, though she ultimately did not.

There had been previous reports both from the campaign trail and from
 Podesta’s hacked emails that revealed an intoxicated Hillary Clinton was
 a somewhat common occurrence. But attacking her staff in a drunken rage
 is certainly a new low for the one-time presidential contender.

Read more at http://www.americanactionnews.com/articles/did-hillary-hit-the-bottle-hard-on-election-night#ACVcphXTMjMsvm7h.99

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