Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Obama Has Decimated The Democratic Party.

Shocking Chart Reveals Far Fewer Dems in Office After Obama Was Elected


When Republican President-elect Donald Trump stunningly defeated Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton to attain the White House, it was a devastating loss for the Democrat Party.
However, this loss was not a surprising one-off isolated event, but rather the culmination of a significant reduction in the size, scope and power of Clinton’s party, a reduction that has been ongoing for the past six years.
Indeed, over the course of President Barack Obama’s tenure in office, the Democrat Party has been “decimated” in multiple elections, according to The Washington Post.

The following chart revealed just how much the party has been devastated under Obama, at both the national and state level, as Democrats have been tossed out of power in the House and Senate, as well as a majority of state legislatures and governorships.

While most liberals will be loath to admit it, this shocking destruction of the once-dominant Democrat Party is largely the responsibility of Obama.
As president, Obama pushed hard throughout his two terms for a plethora of progressive policies that were largely rejected and unwanted by the American people, a rejection symbolized by the electoral defeats handed to Obama’s team.
While the Democrat Party moved in a decidedly leftward direction, much of the rest of the country remained in the center or to the right, and they made their leanings clear when they showed up in voting booths across the country on each election day over the past six years.
Thanks to Obama and his ilk, the Democrats have for now been consigned to be the minority party in America, and unless they actually want to wander the political wilderness in this country for the next several election cycles, they would be wise to moderate their views to be more in line with the people they purport to want to govern.

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter so everyone can see just how much the Democrat Party has diminished under Obama.
What do you think of the stunning decline in power of the Democrat Party during the eight years of Obama's leadership? 

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