Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Oh Boy, Obama's Failed Legacy Is Being Destroyed

BREAKING: Immediately After Trump Win, Huge New Item Appears on Obama Calendar… Trump’s Coming

“Ensuring a smooth transition of power is one of the top priorities the president identified at the beginning of the year, and a meeting with the president-elect is the next step,” the White House press secretary said in the statement, according to Newsmax.
One can only imagine the expression that graced Obama’s face when he made the invitation — he knew as well as everyone else that the election of Trump to the White House meant the destruction of his own legacy.

Specifically, it meant the repeal of Obamacare, the cancellation of his nuclear deal with Iran, the elimination of his deferred deportations and the effective rebuke of almost everything he has tried to do over the past eight years.
Writing in National Review last May, Jim Geraghty predicted at the time that Trump’s election would also be “a loud, clear signal that Obama’s presidency largely failed.”
“How successful can Obama’s two terms be if Americans were willing to take a chance on an outsider who stands for everything he abhors?” Geraghty asked.

“Obama took office optimistic despite the Great Recession he inherited,” he continued. “How would it look if eight years later he left the office to Trump, who has risen on the strength of a despairing, angry, bitterly divided electorate eager to ‘burn it down’?”
At best, President Obama has been greatly misguided and led the nation down a perilous path. He has also been immensely arrogant, assuming along the way that a majority of the American people supported his policies.
As the 2016 election has demonstrated, he was dead wrong.

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