Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Russia Wants To Re-Set The Relationship, Will It Last?

BREAKING – Vladimir Putin Just Issued THIS Response to President-elect Trump’s Victory, WOW

Vladimir Putin has already reached out to President-elect Donald J. Trump. The Russian leader used Twitter to comment on the outsider Republican’s historic, overwhelming victory over Hillary Clinton.
Putin is looking forward to “cooperation in ending a crisis in Russian-American relations.” The Russian leader also said he is hopeful Donald Trump’s victory can help build a “constructive dialogue between Moscow and Washington on the principles of equality, mutual respect, and real consideration for each other’s position.”

Vladimir Putin believes there are some “burning issues” currently emerging on the international stage, which need to be addressed, RT reports. He appears to hope the United States will now be a valued partner in the “search for effective responses to the challenges of the global security.”

Putin also addressed the failed Russian reset Hillary Clinton embarked upon after becoming the secretary of state. “It is not our fault that Russia-US relations are as you see them,” he added.
“We heard [Trump’s] campaign rhetoric while still a candidate for the US presidency, which was focused on restoring the relations between Russia and the United States,” Putin continued. “We understand and are aware that it will be a difficult path in the light of the degradation in which, unfortunately, the relationship between Russia and the US are at the moment.”
With Donald Trump inside the Oval Office, Putin said he felt confident the dialogue between the two Cold War foes would greatly improve. The two leaders will be able to keep to their own views for running their respective countries while still improving diplomatic relations, the Russian leader also noted.
Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin is also hopeful the Donald Trump victory will help spark constructive communications between the two world powers. “The current US-Russian relations cannot be called friendly. Hopefully, with the new US president a more constructive dialogue will be possible between our countries, Volodin said after the election results were tallied.
According to Putin’s cabinet member, the Russian Parliament will “welcome and support” any steps which lead to improved relations between Russia and America. A second, and hopefully more successful, Russian reset may begin after Trump is sworn in on January 20th.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said his nation is ready for a fresh start with the United States. According to Layrov’s comments, Russia will judge the Trump administration by its actions and not based on the past eight years of words and deeds by the Obama administration.
“We are ready to work with any US leader elected by the US people,” the Russian Foreign Minister added. “I can’t say that all the previous US leaders were always predictable. This is life, this is politics. I have heard many words, but we will judge by actions.”
It’s a brave new world, fellow patriots. America is once again on her way back to greatness, and world leaders are already taking notice!

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