Friday, November 11, 2016

Sick Leftist Rioters Attack A Man's Dog! Are They Stupid, Deranged Or Just Full Of Irrational Hate?

LOOK What Violent Dem Thugs Did To New York Man’s Dog, It’s SICK!

The day after an election should be a day of hope and joy. A new administration, a new future, but that is not what we are seeing since the announcement that Donald J. Trump won the election.
One man and his dog were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and faced the wrath of pissed off liberals…

This is my dog after those protestors got thru w/ him. Making America great? RT @andylassner These protests are making America great again.

This is the first report of many that I expect to see over the next few days and weeks.

The same night the election results were announced, Hillary supporters started protesting and burning flags. Last night, there were protests across the country by Dems who were not happy with the election results.
All this guy was doing was walking his dog, but because he was white and a presumed Trump supporter, he and his dog ended up being assaulted with broken bottles and anything else the thugs could find on the street. Dems have often called themselves the party of the people… the party of peace.
Somehow, this is accepted by everyone as okay to do. Neighborhoods were literally getting burned last night because liberals did not like the fact Trump had been elected president.
After the election, I told anyone who would listen I expected to see significant violence for the next few weeks, and while I think that will become subdued over the holidays, I believe the inauguration and days following could be some of the more violent our country has seen since the 1960s.
All of this is being brought on by a false narrative about Trump portrayed by the media since day one, and they are not stopping. The number of rants I saw on liberal networks promoting fear among the people over the last few days was disgusting.
Furthermore, I have not seen or heard any major Dem come out to try to do anything to calm this storm. They should be disgusted their supporters are assaulting fellow citizens and burning down neighborhoods, but all we hear are crickets.
Buckle up, patriots, because we are in for one hell of a ride over the next 90 days.

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