Monday, November 7, 2016

Some Ground Breaking, Astounding Accomplishments Of Senator Hillary Clinton.

The three groundbreaking Bills passed by Senator Hillary Clinton


Caption: Senator Clinton, Chad J. McNeeley, US Navy, Public Domain
Caption: Senator Clinton, Chad J. McNeeley, US Navy, Public Domain

One of the things we are constantly reminded by pro-Clinton supporters is that she is an experienced politician who has done tremendous good for the country. Recall how she claims to have devoted her career to making the lives of children and families better. The claim is that as Senator her legacy is full of achievements which have enhanced the lives of the middle class.
So we looked it up on
Not only did she miss almost 10% of votes ( the average is 2%), but she only ever sponsored three pieces of legislation that were signed into law by the president. And here they are: A highway name change, a post office name change, and the creation of a New York historic site in memory of an Irish immigrant famous for creating the first all-female labor union.
What an outstanding body of work!
S. 3145 (110th): A bill to designate a portion of United States Route 20A, located in Orchard Park, New York, as the “Timothy J. Russert Highway”.
Sponsor: Sen. Hillary Clinton [D-NY, 2001-2009]
Introduced: Jun 18, 2008
Enacted — Signed by the President: Jul 23, 2008
S. 1241 (108th): Kate Mullany National Historic Site Act
Sponsor: Sen. Hillary Clinton [D-NY, 2001-2009]
Introduced: Jun 11, 2003
Enacted — Signed by the President: Dec 3, 2004Hi

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