Thursday, November 24, 2016

There Is More To The Iranian Nuclear Deal Than We Are Being Told. Don't We Deserve To Know What Kerry And Obama Have Promised?

Iran deal cover-up and obfuscation continues, despite Republican inquiries

Buck Sexton welcomes Adam Kredo, senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon, to the program to investigate the continued reticence of the Obama Administration regarding specific details of the massive international agreement aimed at preventing Iran from acquiring or developing nuclear weapons.
Specifically, Buck and Adam demand more details of the $1.7 billion payment the U.S. made to Iran as part of the deal, ostensibly as restitution for Iranian assets frozen in 1979. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) recently questioned Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken in a Senate Committee on Foreign Relations meeting about this mysterious payment.
“Blinken responded, of course, as he’s obligated to due to Congress’ role in oversight over this, but dodged every single question that Rubio asked,” Adam relates. “So, we now have no further information.”

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