Friday, November 4, 2016

Trump Is A Friend Of Israel, No So Hillary

Trump Deepens Commitment to Israel

“Behold, I have given him for a witness to the peoples, a prince and commander to the peoples.” Isaiah 55:4 (The Israel Bible™)
In the final days before election, Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has deepened his connection to Israel, personally and politically, in several significant moves.
On Wednesday, Trump signed on a letter presented by two major pro-Israel Christian organizations, which calls for moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. The letter, posted online as a petition and organized by  the American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI) and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), called for the following commitments:
  1. Implement the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 and relocate the US Embassy in Israel to its capital city of Jerusalem.
  2. Renew and strengthen the US’s Memorandum of Understanding to fund Israel’s growing security needs.
  3. Combat any efforts at the local, state, or federal level to boycott, divest from, or sanction Israel.
  4. Monitor Iran’s ongoing violations of sanctions and to toughen current sanctions as well as impose new ones as necessary.
  5. Oppose any imposed solutions to the Palestinian conflict on Israel by outside parties, including the United Nations Security Council.
Since it was posted, approximately 650 Christian leaders have signed the letter, and over 40,000 people have signed the online petition.
According to ICEJ, Clinton has yet to respond to the letter.

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A 16-point plan  was posted on Wednesday on the Medium publishing platform by Trump’s Israel advisers, David Friedman and Jason Dov Greenblatt. The plan states a strong commitment to the friendship between Israel and the US,  and promises that, if elected, Trump will move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, fight the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement on campus, oppose any imposed Palestinian-Israeli solution that are not a result of direct negotiations, oppose anti-Israel efforts in the UN, and prevent Iranian non-compliance with their nuclear agreements and their support of international terrorism.
Perhaps even more telling is his personal connection to the Holy Land and the God of Abraham. Last week, Trump sent a hand-written note via David Faiman, an adviser, who will place it in the Kotel (the Western Wall). His supplication for divine aid reportedly comes after consulting with his Jewish daughter, Ivanka. The note read:
“May you bless the United States, our armed forces and our allies. May your guiding hand protect and strengthen our great nation.”


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