Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump Wins And Rioters Erupt

Trump win sparks riots across US as crowds burn American flag and chant 'Not our president'

Clinton supporters were filmed setting fire to the US flag while marching through the streets of Portland, Oregon, shouting "F*** Donald Trump"

Crowds of angry protesters have taken to streets across the United States chanting "Not Our President" while setting fires and smashing windows.
Hundreds of people descended on California minutes after it was announced that Donald Trump had won the election.
Hillary Clinton supporters were filmed setting fire to the US flag while marching through the streets of Portland, Oregon, shouting "F*** Donald Trump".
Footage also emerged of activists setting tyres and rubbish bins on fire, blocking main roads and lighting flares.
People also burned an effigy of the President-elect, who will be officially sworn into office in January.
Meanwhile, a young student has reportedly been hit by an SUV and severely injured during a march in Berkeley, with one witness claiming the crash was intentional, according NBC Bay Area .

Hillary Clinton supporters burn a US flag in Portland, Oregon, during protests after Trump wins

Police detain a protester marching against president-elect Donald Trump in Oakland, California
Hundreds of protesters gathered to march after it was announced that Mr Trump had won the election
A fire rages on a main road after angry protesters took to the streets

Other protests have broken out in the San Diego, San Fransisco and San Jose areas, according to reports.
People could be heard chanting "Whose streets? Our streets" and "Not Our President", according to Twitter users at the scene.

A demonstration also unfolded at the University of California, Davis where students blocked streets as they marched and chanted anti-Trump slogans and "You are not America, we are America," according to Twitter posts.
Anti-racist protesters are to stage a demonstration outside the US Embassy in London following the shock election victory.

People link arms as they march through the streets of Oakland, California
The carnage left in the streets of Oakland after protests broke out

Activists accused the President-elect of having a long history of "racist outbursts" as well as his promise to build a wall between the US and Mexico.
Sabby Dhalu, co-convener of the Stand up to Racism group, said: "Donald Trump used the oldest trick in the book - he stirred up fear and racism in the context of a stagnant economy and the resulting fall in living standards - to mobilise a vote for him.
"The danger now is racists across the globe feel emboldened by Donald Trump's victory and racism and sexism become normalised through the most powerful figure in the world.
"We call on anti-racists and all progressives to join us tonight outside the US Embassy."

Protesters chanted "Who's streets? Our streets" and "Not our president"
Police were called to deal with protesters after peaceful marches turned violent
Protesters set fire to tyres, rubbish and even American flags

The billionaire businessman will become the 45th president of the United States after voters gambled on his pledge to "Make America Great Again".
Speaking at a victory party in New York after rival Hillary Clinton conceded defeat, Mr Trump urged Americans to put the election behind them.
"It is time for us to come together as one united people," he said.
"I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans."

Hillary supporters turned out to vent their fury at the election result
Fires burned on highways, which police were forced to close in the hours after the election result was announced
Furious students marched in cities across the United States moments after Trump declared victory

Taking to the stage with his family, including wife Melania, Mr Trump promised a plan to double economic growth and invest in world-class infrastructure.
"Working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream."
It would be a "beautiful thing", he said.
The election of the outspoken businessman and TV personality, who has never held public office, shows the anger and frustration of many Americans who felt left behind by the economy and ignored by the political establishment.
Mr Trump said: "The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer."

Police were called to deal with activists after people began smashing windows and starting fires
Protesters in Oakland to Broadway in downtown to protest the election of Donald Trump

The Republican candidate sealed victory when he took key battleground states Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
The Clinton camp initially refused to throw in the towel, but Mr Trump told supporters shortly before 8am UK time: "I've just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us - it's about us - on our victory and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign."
During the battle for the Oval Office, Mr Trump had repeatedly described his rival as "crooked Hillary" and called her a "nasty woman".


But he struck a conciliatory tone in his first appearance as president-elect, thanking the former first lady and secretary of state for her "service" to the country.
Mr Trump sought to give reassurance to international leaders about his intentions: "I want to tell the world community that, while we will always put America's interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone - all people and all other nations.
"We will seek common ground not hostility, partnership not conflict."
But the markets were panicked by the Trump victory, with London's FTSE 100 Index dropping as much as 2% on opening.
Shares also tumbled in Asia and the dollar and Mexican peso fell.

Mr Trump teased supporters with the prospect of potentially serving the maximum, two full terms as president.
He said that "at the end of two years, or three years, or four years - or maybe even eight years - you will say that so many of you worked so hard, but you will say that was something that you were really very proud to do".

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