Sunday, November 20, 2016

Will We Have Attacks On Thanksgiving?

FBI Warns of Potential Terror Threat on Thanksgiving


The FBI is alerting police departments around the country about a potential terror attack planned for Thanksgiving, CBS News reports.

The alert specifically warned about homegrown terrorists, with potential targets such as shopping malls, special events, and crowded venues. Locations in Washington, D.C. and Virginia were described as “target-rich zones.”
ISIS’s magazine described New York City’s Macy’s parade as an “excellent target,” according to the NYPD earlier this week.
Potential tactics that they could use include guns, IEDs, or drones equipped with IEDs.
The FBI also warned of any indicators of lone-wolf activity, such as isolation from family and friends, lifestyle changes, increased use of encrypted forms of communication, among others.
Department of Homeland Security also issued a warning Tuesday in response to the threat of terrorism at the Macy’s parade.
“Though we know of no intelligence that is both specific and credible at this time of a plot by terrorist organizations to attack the homeland, the reality is terrorist-inspired individuals have conducted, or attempted to conduct, attacks in the United States,” a bulletin posted online at the Department of Homeland Security said.

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