Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wisconsin Starts The Recount

Wisconsin Election Officials Confident That Recount Will Still Favor Trump

"It is going to be a very tight and aggressive timeline."


The drama of election season seems to keep dragging on now that Democrats and Green Party members have moved for a recount in Wisconsin. Nonetheless, state election officials are confident that the results will still uphold President-elect Donald Trump’s victory in the state.
State Elections Commission Chairman Mark Thomsen told reporters he was confident the recount would still uphold a Trump victory, and that election officials have not found any evidence that there was tampering with the election results.
The recount, which was requested by Green Party candidate Jill Stein, will begin on Thursday under a plan approved by the State Elections Commission. The plan calls for Wisconsin’s recount to be finished by 8 p.m. on Dec. 12.

Federal guidelines dictate that disputes involving the presidential election must be settled within 35 days of Election Day — which makes this year’s deadline December 13.
Stein requested that the recount be done by hand, but the Wisconsin Elections Commission rejected her proposal, instead offering officials in each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties the option to decide which method they will use.
Stein responded to the commission’s rejection with a threat to sue.

The Green Party Candidate explained on Monday why she thought a recount was necessary.
“Americans deserve a voting system we can trust,” Stein said in the statement, released by the public relations firm Berlin Rosen. “After a presidential election tarnished by the use of outdated and unreliable machines and accusations of irregularities and hacks, people of all political persuasions are asking if our election results are reliable.”
“We must recount the votes so we can build trust in our election system. We need to verify the vote in this and every election so that Americans of all parties can be sure we have a fair, secure and accurate voting system,” Stein added.
Wisconsin Elections Supervisor Ross Hein disputed Stein’s claim of hacking, saying the voting machines weren’t connected to the internet, making it almost impossible to hack them.

“In order to access the equipment, you would have to actually get your hands on it,” said Hein.
Hein said that the officials in Wisconsin who were overseeing the recount will have to put in long hours in order to meet the deadline.
“It is going to be a very tight and aggressive timeline,” he said.
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