Monday, December 5, 2016

BDS Gets Black Eye From New York

Cuomo Announces New York Blacklist of Foreign BDS Supporters

“A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil.” Proverbs 14:16 (The Israel Bible™)
The State of New York has created a blacklist of a foreign companies supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel, The NY Post reported Friday.
Back in June, Governor Andrew Cuomo told reporters–just before going out to lead the annual Celebrate Israel Parade: “Today, I’m going to sign an Executive Order that says very clearly, we are against the BDS movement, and it’s very simple. If you boycott against Israel, New York will boycott you. If you divert revenues from Israel, New York will divert revenues from you. If you sanction Israel, New York will sanction you, period. Thank you.
“We are against the BDS movement in every way,” the governor reiterated. “We are against companies that do it. We are against the promotion of it by companies and by entities. I am very proud to be the first governor in the United States of America to sign this Executive Order, and I encourage every governor in this country to sign such an Executive Order.”
The governor presented his vehement anti-BDS position from a staunchly liberal perspective. “One of the great capacities of New York, is New York can lead by example and when New York does something, it’s a fair question for every elected official across the country, ‘Why don’t you do what New York did?’” he noted, continuing, “That was true historically when we led all sorts of reforms, the women’s movement, the environmental rights movement, human rights movement. It was true when we passed marriage equality a few years ago, and I signed that bill, and the next week they went to every elected official across the country and said, ‘Well, New York, Governor Cuomo signed the Marriage Equality bill, would you?’ They went to the Vice President and the President – the next week literally.”
“New York signs this Executive Order today,” Gov. Cuomo concluded. “It’s a fair question for every elected official. Why don’t you sign the same Executive Order? Why don’t you stand up for Israel? We want to know where you are, who you are and actions speak louder than words. Sign the Executive Order.”


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