Friday, December 23, 2016

Berlin Truck Murderer Goes To Mosque. Isn't It Time For Muslims To Turn In The Radicals That Are In Their Midst?

Berlin Christmas Market Terrorist Filmed Entering Mosque Hours After Attack

“Morning by morning will I destroy all the wicked of the land; to cut off all the workers of iniquity from the city of Hashem.” Psalms 101:8 (The Israel Bible™)
German Police reported that the suspect in the truck ramming attack at a Christmas market in Berlin on Monday was caught on closed circuit  camera entering a mosque eight hours after the attack .
Anis Amri, a 24 year-old Tunisian,  is suspected of driving a truck through the crowded Breitscheidplatz  market, killing 12 and wounding 48. Amri’s identification papers were found under the driver’s seat of the truck after the attack. The original driver of the truck was found inside the cab, dead of a gunshot wound. It is believed that Amri dropped his ID papers during the struggle with the driver.
Police raided the mosque in southeast Berlin on Thursday night, blowing in the door and using stun grenades. The mosque was also raided in 2015 over suspicion the Imam, Abu Walaa, was recruiting for the Islamic State (ISIS). ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack in Berlin, claiming Amri as one of their “soldiers”.
Police have launched a massive manhunt for Amri, offering a reward of 100,000 Euros.
Amri left Tunisia about seven years ago, arriving in Italy among a group of Syrian refugees. Security sources in Tunisia believe he was incarcerated in Italy for several years after burning down a school. He applied for asylum in Germany, but  his asylum request was rejected  in June this year. Authorities  were unable to deport him as Amri claimed to have no travel documents.


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