Sunday, December 11, 2016

Defense Authorization Bill Passes. Will Obama Veto It?

BREAKING: Senate Delivers Epic, Veto-Proof Defense Bill to Obama

President-elect Donald Trump hasn’t been sworn into office yet, but that hasn’t stopped the Republican-controlled Congress from already getting started on his agenda, most specifically that of rebuilding and strengthening the military.
According to Fox News, the Senate voted 92-7 on Thursday to pass the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, a spending bill of about $611 billion that will fund the military for fiscal year 2017.
The veto-proof bill, which has already passed the House by an extremely wide margin, will increase defense spending over the amount President Barack Obama had requested, halt the draw-down of active-duty Army troops, forestall planned base closings, prohibit the closure of the military detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and give troops a long-awaited pay raise.

Stars and Stripes reported that the 2017 NDAA included the largest pay raise for the troops in six years, which could kick in as early as Jan. 1.
That pay raise of 2.1 percent was half a point higher than the 1.6 percent Obama had requested, which was just marginally higher than the 1.3 percent raise troops received in 2016.
The bill also began the process of overhauling the military’s health care system and acquisition processes, as well as blowing apart the arbitrary spending caps put in place by the “sequester” years ago, according to The Daily Caller.

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word that Congress just sent Obama a veto-proof defense spending bill that he will have little choice but to sign into law.
What do you think of Congress passing this bill with such huge majorities?

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