Sunday, December 4, 2016

Democrats Refuse To Blame Hillary For The Loss Instead They Blame Alt-Right

Kellyanne Conway Just 


Campaign Manager

  • 12/03/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
6 1 1  8
Here's Kellyanne Conway. doing an election postmortem with Clinton campaign
 manager Robby Mook. Here the moderator brings up the media's silly "fake news"
 narrative. As the Daily Caller reports, she absolutely cleans Mook's clock:
“We cannot have foreign aggressors, I would argue, intervening in our

elections,” he continued. “We know the Russians were propagating fake

news through Facebook and other outlets.”

Mook argued that sites like Breitbart peddled stories that “reinforced sexist,

racist, anti-Semitic notions in people” and “shouldn’t be part of the public


CNN’s Jake Tapper gave Conway an opportunity to respond, which she

graciously accepted.

“I think the biggest fake news in this election was was that Donald Trump

couldn’t win.”
Here's the truth. The American people didn't trust Hillary Clinton, with good
 reason, and they disliked the political establishment she represented.
Donald Trump benefited, in part because Kellyanne Conway was able
 to get Trump to focus on these scandals, and pitch an economic message
 that resonated with the American people.

Meanwhile, the "legitimate news media" was so willfully blind to how
 powerful that message was because they are completely disconnected
 from the average American. Because their close coordination with the
Clinton campaign, liberal bias, and Acela focus is off-putting to many
 Americans, who would rather read sites that are honest about their
 ideological bias. 


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