Thursday, December 1, 2016

Kellyanne Is A King Maker But Does Not Want The Daily Drudgery Of Working In The White House. Heck, She Probably Wants To Rest!!

BREAKING: Kellyanne Conway 

Tells Trump NO!

  • 12/01/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
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Perhaps no one person besides Donald Trump is more responsible for his election than Kellyanne Conway. As Trump's campaign manager, she pulled off what seemed like an improbable victory, honing his message and focusing the candidate down the stretch, ultimately saving the country from Crooked Hillary Clinton.

It was assumed that after she took office, Conway could have any job in the administration she wanted.

Apparently, she's not interested:
Trump transition advisor Kellyanne Conway says she spoke this weekend with president-elect Trump about how to be a 'face' of the new administration – but sources say she has ruled out taking a top White House communications job.

Conway spoke with Trump a number of times over the weekend, and discussed how to be 'a face of the administration,' Conway told the New York Times.

But she has rejected the offer of serving as the White House communications director, and isn't expected to take a formal post on the government payroll inside the White House.

'Kellyanne is more likely to be working on the outside and she knows that,' a top Trump transition aide told Politico. 'So I think she feels a little more liberated about opining,' the aide continued.
While this is surprising, and we're sure Team Trump is disappointed, it makes sense. In a few short months, Conway defeated a billion dollar political machine that had been gearing up to elect Hillary Clinton since 2008. Her victory was absolutely historic.

But for Conway, it might be just the beginning. There are more battles to fight, and in 2018 nine vulnerable Senate Democrats in states won by Donald Trump are up for re-election. With Conway, the nation's elite political operative now a free agent, it's likely that well financed Republicans in key swing states will likely be backing up the Brinks Truck to secure her services.


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