Thursday, December 1, 2016

Levis Joins The Anti-Gun Movement Based On Totally Fraudulent Data

BREAKING: Levis Bans Guns From All Stores


The company with a history of supplying jeans to the hardest working people in America is telling you to check your gun at the door.
In an open letter to Levi’s customers on Wednesday, CEO Chip Bergh has asked that law-abiding gun owners refrain from carrying their weapons into his stores, as reported by Fortune.
His rationale? “You don’t need a gun to try on a pair of jeans.”

Bergh went on to cite the proximity of Levi’s stores in Paris, Nice, Orlando, and the company’s European headquarters in Brussels, to recent terror attacks.
Let’s break this down: Bergh’s attempt to link lawful gun owners to terrorist attacks doesn’t hold water.
Both the Paris and Orlando attacks took place in gun-free zones, meaning law-abiding citizens who might have been able to respond were disarmed, according to Breitbart.

In the Nice, France attack, 84 people were killed by a terrorist who ran over them with a large truck. Not a gun. A box with wheels. In Brussels, the terrorists chose bombs.
The fact that violence happens randomly and senselessly is the very reason that we have an armed citizenry.
In a study of nearly 5,000 police reports over an 8-year period, researchers for the Cato Institute concluded that the mere presence of an armed citizen thwarted countless crimes each year. The study also highlighted the reluctance of the media to report the success of armed citizens in crime prevention.
Time and again, we’ve learned that a good guy with a gun is more effective than a nice guy without one.

As we’ve seen all too often, violence happens everywhere: at schools, nightclubs … and retail stores. As a gun owner who trains regularly, I consider it not only my right but my duty to be armed and ready to protect myself, my family and my community at all times.
Even in the Levi’s store.
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What do you think about Levi's telling their customers to lay down their legally carried weapons?

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