Monday, December 5, 2016

Looks Like Alec Baldwin Will Have A Long Run On Saturday Night Live

Alec Baldwin says he’ll stop his Donald Trump impersonations on ‘SNL’ under one condition


Alec Baldwin says he’ll stop his Donald Trump impersonations on ‘SNL’ under one condition
Alac Baldwin playing President-elect Donald Trump on "Saturday Night Live." (Image source: YouTube)

Actor Alec Baldwin says he’ll end his impersonation of President-elect Donald Trump on “Saturday Night Live” under one condition: if Trump releases his taxes.
Baldwin’s offer came via Twitter early Sunday morning in response to a tweet from Trump, who was criticizing Baldwin’s continued impersonations of him on the show.
“Just tried watching Saturday Night Live – unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can’t get any worse. Sad,” Trump wrote on Twitter just after midnight Sunday.
Baldwin said in response, “Release your tax returns and I’ll stop. Ha.”

In the latest episode of “Saturday Night Live,” Baldwin portrays Trump retweeting several people during an important security briefing. Apparently, the joke was that Trump is too busy with Twitter to pay attention to important presidential matters.
This is not the first time Trump has set his sights on “SNL.” He has periodically tweeted about the show during it’s latest season, which has featured Baldwin as Trump the entire season.
In October, Trump labeled one episode a “hit job.” Trump also said that “SNL” had an obvious liberal bias, claiming it was proof that the mainstream media was “rigging” the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Throughout his campaign, Trump promised he would release his tax returns, but never followed through. A report from the New York Times in October suggested that Trump did not pay any income taxes for more than a decade due to massive business losses in the mid-1990’s.

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