Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Maybe Podesta Aide Doesn't Know The Difference Between "Legitimate" And "Illegitimate"? Might Explain Some Of Hillary's Issues!

BREAKING: How Hackers Got

 Hillary's Emails

  • 12/13/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
16 9 4  44
How did hackers get into Hillary's email? An IT aide answering John
Podesta claims he made a "typo" that gave hackers access. The Daily
 Caller's Chuck Ross explains:
The IT aide, Charles Delavan, tells The New York Times that his error —

typing the word “legitimate” instead of “illegitimate” to describe a hacker’s

email — continues to haunt him.

“This is a legitimate email,” Delavan wrote to Clinton campaign aide Sara

Latham after she forwarded him an spear phishing email designed to look

like official correspondence from Google.

“John needs to change his password immediately,” Delavan added, while

also providing a link to a Google page that would have allowed Podesta to

safely change his email password.

Podesta did change his password, or so he thought. He appears to have

clicked on the hacker’s fake email and entered his password there instead

of at the link provided by Delavan.
The claim is that he typed "legitimate" when he meant to type "illegitimate."
This is total bunk, and it's likely part of a broader effort to lend context to
 silly claims that Donald Trump "stole" the election with the help of the Russians.

Still, it's funny to think that a candidate who played fast and loose with
America's national security couldn't mange her own internet security. 


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