Friday, December 23, 2016

Obama Pardons All Sorts Of Drug Dealers

Just when you

 thought it couldn’t

 get worse: 

Obama does the UNTHINKABLE

If there’s one thing obvious
about the liberal progressive
 left — as evidenced by
Barack Hussein Obama —
they embrace the criminal,
the illegal, not the law-
abiding and the legal citizen.
The progressive socialist left
 is willing to go to the mat
 for criminal illegal aliens,
all to the detriment of the
 law-abiding American citizen.
 It’s far easier for the left to
blame legal, law-abiding
 gun owners. And based
on Obama’s actions, he is
the felons’ best friend.
As reported by Fox News,
“President Obama on Monday
 pardoned 78 people and 
granted another 153 
commutations, amounting 
to the most acts of clemency
 granted by a U.S. president 
ever in a single day. 

White House 
Counsel Neil 
announced the 
decisions in an 
official blog 
 He described all the individuals
 pardoned or seeing their sentences
 shortened as “deserving.”   

“The 231 individuals granted 
 today have all demonstrated 
that they 
ady to make use – or have 
already made use – of a second
 chance,” he wrote. He also 
previewed additional clemency 
decisions in the weeks ahead,
 saying: “I expect that the President
 will issue more grants of both 
commutations and pardons before
 he leaves office.” 
Obama has been granting 
commutations at rapid-fire pace
 in his final months in office,
focusing primarily on shortening 
sentences of those convicted of 
drug offenses rather than pardons. 
Pardons amount to forgiveness 
of a crime that removes restrictions 
on the right to vote, hold state or
 local office, or sit on a jury. The
 pardon also lessens the stigma 
arising from the conviction. Eggleston
 said Obama has now pardoned a
 total of 148 people during his
 presidency and has shortened 
the sentences of 1,176 people,
 including 395 serving life sentences.”

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However, in doing a little analysis,
 one finds felony gun offenses
listed with some of those receiving
 a Christmas gift from President
Obama. Earlier this week we 
shared with you a report about
 an estimated 850,000 criminal
 illegal aliens walking the streets
of America…certainly occupying
 “safe space” in sanctuary cities.
What I find perplexing and
hypocritical is how President
 Obama — and the left —
demonize law-abiding gun
owners, yet offer pardons and
commutations for drug offenses.
And I’m sorry, but I tend to
 believe drugs are a violent
crime, as they destroy people’s
 lives — not just the addict who
 may die, but those who are
 victimized by drug users.
Then again, why should we
expect anything different
from a president who admitted
drug use himself?
Hmm, I don’t think Obama
pardoned Army 1LT Clint Lorance
 in this flurry. Why, of course not?
 Why pardon a young man who
 faced the
 enemy who is sitting in Ft.
 Leavenworth prison facing
 a 20 year sentence? You
know, drug offenders are
more important to Obama,
to the left, than a young man
 who sits in the same facility
 incarcerated with Nidal Hasan —
 guilty of “workplace violence”
according to Obama.
There is a lot to be said about
 this Obama action.
But for me, knowing that 1LT
 Clint Lorance still sits in prison,
 while drug offenders are released…
that tells me all I need to know about the character of one
 Barack Hussein Obama.

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