Monday, December 19, 2016

Obama Will Stay In Washington And Become A Pain In The Side Of Trump. He Is A Sick Man! Wonder Who Is Paying Him?

ALERT: Obama to Break Huge Post-Presidential Tradition… Will Begin Recruiting New Dem “Talent”


Perhaps in response to the success of President-elect Donald Trump’s decidedly non-traditional campaign to win the White House, outgoing President Barack Obama also appears to be bucking the typical traditions of former presidents.
While most former presidents leave Washington, D.C., after their term in office has expired and become engaged in some sort of philanthropic work to keep themselves busy, Obama fully intends to remain in the belly of the beast and will continue to engage his political opponents in a partisan fashion, as was revealed in a recent interview with NPR.
According to The Hill, Obama told NPR’s Steve Inskeep that he wants to help rebuild the Democrat Party by aiding in the development of a “whole new generation of talent” in the realm of political activism.

“There are such incredible young people who not only worked on my campaign, but I’ve seen in advocacy groups,” Obama said. “I’ve seen passionate about issues like climate change or conservation, criminal justice reform, you know, campaigns for a livable wage, or health insurance, and making sure that whatever resources, credibility, spotlight that I can bring to help them rise up.
“That’s something that I think I can do well, I think Michelle can do well,” he added. “That’s part of what makes me optimistic about our future because I know those young people are out there ready to lead, and when they start moving into more and more positions of authority, then I think the issues that I care most deeply about are going to be well served.”
Obama was asked if he would serve as something of a “talent scout” to rebuild the decimated bench of the Democrat Party, to which he replied affirmatively, according to the New York Post.

“Well, not only a talent scout but I think also, you know, a coach, a friend, somebody who can build on the incredible work that has already been done by young people and that to a large degree was responsible for getting me elected,” stated Obama.
You can watch the entire wide-ranging and lengthy interview right here. The relevant portion begins shortly after the 8:00 minute mark.

As stated before, most former presidents leave town and partisan politics following their time in office, generally out of deference to their successor and the choice made by the American voters.

But Obama has proven to be unlike previous presidents in his own way, and will instead stay in D.C. to help attempt a rebuilding of the Democrat Party in the mold of his own left-wing progressive views, all the while serving as a thorn in the side of the Trump administration.
Hopefully, that effort will prove to be about as successful as his other failed efforts throughout his presidency.
Please share this on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word that Obama plans to rebuild the Democrat Party in his own image after leaving the White House by recruiting “new talent” to fill the ranks.
What do you think of Obama's plans? 

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