Monday, December 19, 2016

Obama's Legacy Is Set In Death And Destruction--In Aleppo

Krauthammer: Aleppo is Obama’s legacy

Conservative author and commentator Charles Krauthammer says President Barack Obama’s legacy is the utter chaos and destruction that is in Aleppo, Syria, as the result of a years-long civil war between Syrian dictator Bashar Assad and rebel forces trying to overtake the government.
“Obama imagines that the Obama [Iran] deal is his legacy. It is not. Aleppo is his legacy,” Krauthammer said on Fox News Thursday.
“History will remember this as kind of the symbolism of the whole policy of retreat and the inevitable outcome,” he added.
The outspoken Obama administration critic made the point that the Syrian civil war would have happened regardless of what the U.S. did. But, he added, how the U.S. handled the situation left much to be desired.
“The civil war was in a sense in equilibrium a year and a half ago when the Russians decided that their side, Assad, was losing. The rebels were actually on the advance in Aleppo and elsewhere. He stepped in to rescue Assad, then he saw that there was no response on the part of the West, no penalties whatsoever, even economic, coming from the United States and he decided to drive the advantage,” Krauthammer explained.


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