Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Oh Oh, Looks Like The Russians Might NOT Have Hacked The DNC. Who Is Delivering Fake News Now--Would It Be The Washington Post And New York TImes?

Massive Revelation Blows CIA’s Claim That Russians Hacked Election Right Out Of The Water

What now, liberal smear machine?


When The Washington Post and The New York Times reported that the CIA had “concluded” alleged Russian hacking wasn’t just an attempt to disrupt our political process but a concerted effort to get Donald Trump elected, the mainstream media went bonkers. Finally, they thought: a scapegoat that will work for explaining Hillary Clinton’s stunning loss.
It didn’t take long, however, for the whole story to begin falling apart. First, there was the acknowledgement by The Post that the FBI didn’t agree with the CIA’s assessment of intent by the supposed Russian operatives. Then came evidence to weaken significant portions of the scenario the left was desperate to erect.
Now, another intelligence agency has crippled the anti-Trump forces’ insistent narrative in a way that will have those desperate to smear the president-elect fit to be tied.

According to Reuters, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which provides oversight for the 17 agencies in the U.S. intelligence community, thinks that there’s not enough evidence to support the purported “conclusion” that Russia was the motive power behind the Trump train.
Three ODNI officials went on record with the news agency to describe their misgivings that led to the refusal to endorse the CIA’s assessment that the alleged Russian interference was a deliberate attempt to get Donald Trump elected president.
“ODNI is not arguing that the [CIA] is wrong, only that they can’t prove intent,” one official said. “Of course they can’t, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow.”
Another ODNI official criticized the logic used to come to the judgment — in particular, the fact that the analysis hinged on an observation that both the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee had been hacked, but that only the DNC documents had been made public by WikiLeaks.
“(It was) a thin reed upon which to base an analytical judgment,” the skeptical official added.
It was an even thinner reed when you consider that RNC chief (and Donald Trump’s pick for White House chief of staff) Reince Priebus said that the RNC had not been successfully hacked, contrary to reports.
“When the DNC was hacked, we called the FBI. The FBI went through everything, and we were not hacked,” Priebus said during an appearance on “Meet the Press” Sunday. “If we were not hacked, then where does that story lie?”

Yet, the more that the narrative falls apart, the more the left desperately scrambles to reassemble it as their last, best attempt to derail the Trump train prior to the Dec. 19 Electoral College vote.
The president certainly did his bit during an appearance on “The Daily Show” Monday night, where The Hill reported that he tried to pass off the content of the DNC emails as no big deal while excoriating voters for refusing to pay attention to those darned Russkies.
“What is it about the state of our democracy where the leaks of what were frankly not very interesting emails, that didn’t have any explosive information in them, ended up being an obsession?” President Obama rhetorically asked host Trevor Noah. “And the fact that the Russians were doing this was not an obsession?”
Former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta echoed this preposterous claim that America didn’t pay enough attention to the Russians and their alleged hacking in a statement supporting an effort by a group of anti-Trump electors to receive an intelligence briefing before the Electoral College makes the election outcome official.
“Each day in October, our campaign decried the interference of Russia in our campaign and its evident goal of hurting our campaign to aid Donald Trump,” Podesta wrote, according to Politico.
“Despite our protestations, this matter did not receive the attention it deserved by the media in the campaign. We now know that the CIA has determined Russia’s interference in our elections was for the purpose of electing Donald Trump. This should distress every American.”
No, it shouldn’t. What should distress every American is the salient fact that one of our two major political parties not only seems unable to admit they lost the presidential election because their candidate and her ideas were bad, they’re even willing to paint the man who won as a patsy of the Kremlin.
What are your thoughts on the DNC hacks? 

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