Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Liberal Feminist Knives Are Coming Out Against Nominee

Here’s how liberals are plotting to sabotage General Mad Dog Mattis



President-Elect Donald Trump’s announcement he’s nominating legendary Marine General James “Mad Dog” Mattis to be his Secretary of Defense sent liberals into a foaming-at-the-mouth rage.
Mattis refuses to back down from anyone, and the enemies of the United States have no more fearsome enemy than he.
So, naturally, liberals are plotting to sabotage his nomination.
Roll Call, a prominent Capitol Hill insider newspaper, reports that left-wing groups are planning to attack Mattis as an enemy of women.
The former head of U.S. Central Command [Mattis] has said in various speeches that women may not be suited for the “intimate killing” of combat, and allowing men and women to work in close quarters would be detrimental to their success in combat zones, according to
In his remarks at the Marines’ Memorial Club in San Francisco in 2014, Mattis tried to explain his line of thinking. “The idea of putting women in there is not setting them up for success,” he said, referring to combat as an “atavistic primate world.”
“It would only be someone who never crossed the line of departure into close encounters fighting that would ever even promote such an idea,” he added, stressing that whether women can handle the physical rigor of combat is beside the point.
Democrats plan to use that to attack Mattis, in the hopes of convincing three Republican senators to oppose his nomination.
Their most likely targets are moderate-to-liberal Republican Senators Lisa Murkowski (Alaska,) Susan Collins (Maine,) and Lindsey Graham (South Carolina.)

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