Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Will de Blasio Be The Democratic Candidate in 2020? We Hope So As Trump Will Wipe Him Out

Politico: Bill de Blasio Finds His Mojo as the Anti-Trump



David Freedlander writes at Politico that Mayor of the Big Apple, Bill de Blasio, is pitting himself against president-elect and fellow New Yorker Donald J. Trump to infuse some desperately needed energy into his upcoming mayoral contest.
NEW YORK—Bill de Blasio, the 6-5 mayor of the nation’s largest city, slipped in almost unnoticed through a side door in the small community center in Chelsea, where a full-throated anti-Donald Trump resistance meeting was already underway.
Ten days earlier, Trump had been elected the next president of the United States, and New York City, which voted overwhelmingly against him, was still reeling. But anger was starting to find outlets, and one of them was here, where hundreds gathered for a hastily thrown together meeting billed as “Rise Together: The American Majority Against Trump.”
De Blasio’s three years in office so far have been marred by a series of disappointments, missteps, and seeming deafness to the politics of the moment—a track record that had put the mayor at risk of being taken down by his own party in next year’s primary. But since the election, a life raft has suddenly appeared: Trump.
Read the rest of the story here.

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