Friday, December 23, 2016

Wonder Why Facebook Didn't Catch This Fake News!

How a former NFL coach got the gullible media to publish ‘fake news’ about Trump


How a former NFL coach got the gullible media to publish ‘fake news’ about Trump
Former football player and coach Barry Switzer speaks to members of the media in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York Dec. 7. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

The constant stream to Trump Tower of supplicants begging for a place in the president-elect’s administration has had the press buzzing with activity. But they didn’t count on one visitor using the occasion to show how gullible and foolish they are.
Former Dallas Cowboys coach Barry Switzer says that he was shopping with this wife and daughter when he decided to walk into Trump Tower even though he had no meeting scheduled, according to Politico. Switzer relates how the media responded:
All the media people said, “Coach, what are you doing here.” I told them I was here to see the president like everyone else.
But instead of meeting with the president-elect, whom he had known for decades, Switzer simply waltzed up Trump Tower, went to the in-house Starbucks and bought a coffee. When he came back down, the press was clamoring for details about his “visit” with Trump.
“I told the reporters I had a great visit, and that we were going to make the wishbone great again,” he said. “I told them I was going to be Secretary of Offense and that Trump knew how to run the ball down the field.”

Reporters ate it up, sending it out as an example of how crazy Trump’s interviewing process is:

And it was all a big joke on the press. Switzer concluded, “Then I went back to my hotel and laughed my ass off. It went everywhere. Everyone believed it. I had all these calls, but I was just jerking people around.”

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