Friday, January 6, 2017

Black Lives Matter Is Not Interested In Justice--Only Scoring Points Against "The Man"

RACISM: Shaun King Says He ‘Won’t Fight For Justice’ For Disabled White Teen Tortured In Chicago

screenshot from YouTube
JANUARY 5, 2017
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Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King decided he was more upset that the brutal
kidnapping and torture of a mentally disabled white man by four young black
men and women was labeled on Twitter as #BLMKidnapping than the crime itself:

All of the white people in the  tag aren't nearly as concerned about the white boy as they are with demonizing black people.
After that incendiary tweet, he followed with a hint:

I'll reply to the white supremacist  hashtag later this morning. I will also address the assault in Chicago.
King’s explanation of his position included his statement that he would
not “fight for justice” for the victim, as he has on numerous other occasions
when blacks were harmed. He decried violence, as he somehow wove Donald
Trump into his diatribe by noting Trump’s history with women, and then
suggested that there was no need for him to get too upset about the incident
because, hey, white people always see justice served:
Hate crimes are on the rise from coast to coast. Our incoming

President of the United States admitted that he sexually assaults

women. Women all over the country came forward to allegedly

confirm it. His first wife, in a sworn deposition, said that he raped

and brutally assaulted her. Ivana Trump later said she didn’t want

the allegation to be considered in a literal or criminal sense.
This country is sick.
Claiming that plenty of whites were asking him why he was not speaking up
 regarding the kidnapping, King continued:
This country does not need me to speak out on crimes committed by black folk because nobody in this country is held more responsible

for the crimes they commit, and even the crimes they don’t commit,

than black folk in America . . . I speak out on injustice. What

happened to this man in Chicago was terrible. It was criminal. I

hate it, but guess what — justice was swift. It was miraculously swift.
Then, the laundry list of “white” crimes:
Justice is always swift and easy when black folk mess up, but you

know who’s not in jail right now? George Zimmerman. You know

who’s not in jail right now? The officers who fired 41 shots at and

killed Amadou Diallo on the doorstep of his Bronx home. You know

who’s not in jail right now? The officers who killed Eric Garner and

Rekia Boyd . . . We march for them. We protest for them. I write

about them and Facebook and tweet about them — because justice

has not been served in those cases. It almost never is.
Black folk are held super-responsible for every mistake and criminal offense made. We rarely have to march for justice in our communities. American prisons are full of black folk who are being held responsible

for every mistake they’ve ever made.
But on the other hand, those racist white folks? “What’s most disturbing is that I
 hardly see many whites who are particularly angry about the crime speaking
 sympathetically about the victim. They are mainly using it to advance their
 racist agenda and demonize random black folk who had nothing to do with
 such a thing.”
Then, the real problem: “As I type, the top trending topic in the country is now
 #BLMKidnapping. BLM stands for Black Lives Matter. The people in the video
never even suggested such a thing. The Black Lives Matter Movement has
 never advocated such a thing. I have never advocated such a thing.”
And King traces the problem to its root: “What we are witnessing here is that
fact that when particular African-Americans commit a crime, many whites use
 the crime to cast dispersions and stereotype all black folk. It’s a ridiculous
 double standard rooted in racism and oppression."
There were dissenters even among those on King’s side:

My Latest.

The simple reason why I won't be fighting for justice for the young man who was assaulted in Chicago. 
@ShaunKing This is bad, dude. As someone who is on the same side as you in promoting doing this is setting the movement back

My Latest.

The simple reason why I won't be fighting for justice for the young man who was assaulted in Chicago. 
@ShaunKing @NYDailyNews tagline is severely flawed & makes it seem like you don't give a shit about a disabled person being attacked. I can't rock with it.
As King stated, "Justice was swift. It was miraculously swift."
That will make the victim feel so much better.

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