Monday, January 2, 2017

Do You Believe This Gallup Poll?

Poll: Americans lack confidence in Trump’s ability to perform presidential duties


Poll: Americans lack confidence in Trump’s ability to perform presidential duties
President-elect Donald Trump answers questions from reporters accompanied by wife Melania for a New Year's Eve party December 31, 2016 at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida. (Don Emmert/AFP/Getty Images)

Across the board, Americans have much less confidence in President-elect Donald Trump than they had in his predecessors as they began their first term, according to a new Gallup poll. Most strikingly, less than half of Americans are confident in Trump’s ability to perform some of his presidential duties.

According to @GallupNews, Americans are less confident in Trump's ability to perform presidential duties than they were in his predecessors

The poll’s findings illustrate that Trump faces a crisis of public confidence that is unlike any recent president-elect in American history, including George W. Bush, who also won the Electoral College vote after losing the popular vote.
According to the poll, 46 percent of Americans are confident that Trump will be able to handle an international crisis and 47 percent believe he can use military force wisely.
At least seventy percent of Americans were confident in Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush in these same areas before they took the oath of office.
Only 44 percent of respondents said they believe Trump will be able to prevent major scandals in his administration.

The poll also found that Americans are more confident in Trump’s ability to manage the executive branch effectively. Most Americans believe Trump will be able to defend American interests abroad, handle the economy effectively and work effectively with Congress to get things done as president. However, where Gallup data is available, Trump also trails his predecessors in these areas.

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