Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Is Trump Walking Into A Wood Chipper By Threatening To Undo All Of Obama's "Accomplishments"

Team Trump: We’re Going to Start Repealing Obama’s Executive Actions on Day One


What can be done with a pen and a phone can be undone with a pen and a phone — which is a lesson Barack Obama is going to learn on Jan. 20, courtesy of Donald Trump.
In an interview on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday, Sean Spicer, Trump’s future White House press secretary, said that the president-elect planned to “repeal a lot” of Obama executive actions on day one in office,
In the interview with ABC’s Jonathan Karl, Spicer also said Trump would also be hard at work from day one on to change the culture of Washington.

The response came to a Karl question asking about the “one big thing we are going to see after (Trump) takes the oath of office.”
“It’s going to be not one big thing; it’s going to be many big things,” Spicer said. “On day one, he’s going to sign a series of executive orders to do two things. One is repeal a lot of the regulations and actions that have been taken by this administration over the last eight years that have hampered both economic growth and job creation.
“And then secondly, do the same on a forward-thinking thing. He’s going to start implementing things. He’s going to bring a new brand to Washington. He’s going to institute a lobbying ban, five years. It’s very forward thinking,” he added.

“What we’ve had in the past is people who have looked in the rearview mirror. This time, we’re thinking forward. If you want to serve in a Trump administration, you’re going to serve this country, not yourself.”
Video below:

Spicer also vigorously defended Trump’s use of Twitter. “You know, with all due respect, I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45-plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation,” Spicer said. “He doesn’t have to have it funneled through the media.”

However, the big news was that Obama’s executive actions are going to be tossed in the can from the get-go.
This is the problem of legislating without the legislative process. What can be done by fiat can be undone by fiat, and much of Obama’s legacy is bound up in executive actions. On everything from immigration to the environment, when he couldn’t work with Congress, he simply went around it.
Now, he’s about to pay a huge price for that — and we couldn’t be happier. If Obama’s furious over this — and we assume that he will be — he only has himself to blame.
Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you agree this is an excellent use of time on day one of the Trump administration.
What do you think Trump should do on day one?

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