Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Nanny Goverment In Philadelphia Really Hits Its Citizens Hard

Woman Outraged at 50% Soda Tax… Taxed $3 on Single Drink!


On Nov. 8, voters of several traditionally blue states decided that they’d had enough of liberal interference in the private lives of American citizens. One of these states was Pennsylvania, which went red for the first time since the Bush-Dukakis landslide of 1988.
Unfortunately, residents in Pennsylvania’s biggest city are finding out that they’re still not rid of liberals and that their meddling influence just grew in a massive way on Jan. 2 — and it was written clear as day on the receipt of many grocery shoppers.
That’s the day when a new tax on sugary drinks took effect in Philadelphia. According to WPVI-TV, that tax will cost shoppers $0.015 per ounce for any “unhealthy” drink like soda or sweetened iced tea.

And customers were clearly feeling the shock, like this woman, who saw what was on her receipt and felt the need to post it to Facebook:

From a Facebook post, the Philadelphia sugary drink tax implemented today damn, between that & Pennsylvania gas tax no wonder folk revolted

Take this consumer, who bought Propel Fitness Water from northeastern grocery stalwart ShopRite. The beverage itself cost $5.99, but the Philadelphia beverage tax added a staggering $3.04. That’s over 50 percent of the cost of the beverage, for those of you who were brought up with Common Core math.

Sadly, this customer may have gotten off easy. WPVI reported that at least one customer they found, Chuck Andrews, paid over 100 percent of his beverage’s cost in tax. After taking home a jug of iced tea, he realized that the $1.77 he’d paid for the gallon was inflated by $1.92, thanks to the levy.
“When I read the receipt I’m like, ‘Wait a minute. I paid more in tax than I did for the product,'” Andrews said. That’s a solid 108 percent of the purchase price. He wasn’t the only one experiencing iced tea sticker shock, either:

What would normally cost $4.99 anywhere else, now costs almost twice the price in Philadelphia due to the sugary beverage tax .@6abc

The most hilarious response was from the Philadelphia mayor’s office. “The tax is on the distribution of sweetened beverages from companies like Coca-Cola to dealers like supermarkets, and because it’s not a sales tax … distributors don’t have to pass it on to customers,” they said.

Apparently, after reaching the highest echelons of local government, neither the mayor nor those around him have figured out just how taxation influences prices. While I don’t expect liberals to be all that bright when it comes to economic realities, this is especially bad, even for the left. (Philly’s mayor, if you even had to ask, is a Democrat.)
The holy jihad against anything that might be considered pleasurable or more unhealthy that a celery stick continues unabated for liberals, even if taxpayers don’t like it. This is because it has the extra benefit of being a tax windfall for the city.
Once more voters start looking at their grocery receipt, however, this could change in a big way — especially when voters go to the ballot box next time.
Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you agree this tax is absurd.
What are your thoughts on this beverage tax?

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