Friday, May 12, 2017

Acting FBI Director Disagrees With Media Mantra--No Additional Resources Were Requested

Breaking: Acting FBI Dir Issues Bombshell Statement on Russia… Media Panic

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Liberal journalists have been trying to convince America that President Donald Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey to hinder an investigation into Trump’s alleged ties with Russia, but one of their story lines was recently shot down by a source with firsthand knowledge.
Almost immediately after Comey was dismissed by the president on Tuesday, the mainstream media began reporting that the former FBI director had asked the Justice Department for additional resources for the bureau’s Trump-Russia investigation.
On Thursday, however, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe told lawmakers that the bureau already had “sufficient” resources, and he was not aware of any request for more, according to Reuters.
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Major media outlets, such as CNN, had been reporting that Comey went to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in early May and asked for more resources — specifically, more personnel — to be devoted to the Russia investigation, citing two unidentified sources supposedly “familiar” with the discussion.
But when asked about that request at a Senate hearing on Thursday, McCabe indicated that it had not been made.
“If you are referring to the Russia investigation … I believe we have the adequate resources to do it and I know that we have resourced that investigation adequately,” McCabe told the Senate Intelligence Committee, according to Reuters, “adding that he was unaware of any request by the agency for additional resources.”
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In fact, the acting director wasn’t the only one to suggest that the request had not actually been made.
Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokeswoman who said she had spoken directly with Rosenstein about the alleged request, said in CNN’s own report that the idea that Comey asked for more support for the Russia inquiry was “100 percent false.”
“It didn’t happen,” she said in a statement, according to an ABC timeline of the events surrounding the Comey firing.
The statements from people with firsthand knowledge about whether the request was made stand in stark contrast to anonymously sourced reports in the mainstream media that have tried to frame the alleged request as some sort of evidence against Trump.
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In fact, The New York Times called it “clear-cut evidence” that the former FBI director believed his bureau needed more resources to handle “a sprawling and highly politicized counterintelligence investigation.”
But, is it “clear-cut” if nobody knows, for sure, if the request was actually made?
The liberals at The Times must be using the same “clear-cut” evidentiary standard they used when they suggested in October 2016 that Trump had avoided paying his taxes for over a decade — a claim that was proven wholly untrue by the release of the president’s 2005 tax returns in March.
In the same article about Comey, The Times also contended that he represented a “fiercely independent official who wielded enormous power” to a president who “puts a premium on loyalty,” suggesting that Trump fired Comey over some lack of loyalty to him, particularly in regards to the Russia investigation.
The truth is that media, fueled and operated by liberals, have become so intent on taking down the president that they routinely ignore facts in an effort to paint Trump in a negative light.
And, in fact, even if the supposed request for more resources had been made, it still does not prove what the media wants it to prove. They’re grasping for straws at every angle, and common-sense citizens won’t be fooled by it.
Do you think the request for more resources was made? Does it matter? Like and share this article on Facebook and Twitter and let us know.
What do you think about the media beefing up Comey’s request only to find out it likely never happened?

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