Wednesday, May 31, 2017

After His Great Overseas Trip, The Evidence Of The Press Coup Shows Up In His Approval And Pro-Impeachment Numbers

Poll reveals shocking share of Americans want Trump impeached without evidence of wrongdoing


Poll reveals shocking share of Americans want Trump impeached without evidence of wrongdoing
According to a new poll, a large number of Americans want President Donald Trump impeached, regardless of whether he committed an impeachable offense. (Stephane de Sakutin/AFP/Getty Images)

A new poll shows an increasing share of voters want President Donald Trump impeached, regardless of whether Trump has actually committed any high crimes or misdemeanors, which the Constitution requires in order to move forward with any impeachment proceedings.
According to the Politico/Morning Consult poll released Wednesday, 43 percent of voters want Congress to start the impeachment process, which is a 5-point increase from last week. A shocking 54 percent of those who want impeachment proceedings brought against Trump said they already believe he has shown he is unfit to serve as president and should be removed from office, without regard to whether he has actually committed any impeachable offenses.
Of those who want to see Trump impeached, 43 percent said that they believe he has already committed a crime serious enough to merit impeachment.
Forty-five percent of Americans said they do not want Congress to impeach the president. That number remains practically unchanged from last week, when 46 percent of those polled said they didn’t believe Congress should follow through with impeachment proceedings.
The opinions were mostly split along party lines: 71 percent of Democrats said Congress should impeach Trump, and 76 percent of Republicans opposed impeachment.
Former Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton are the only two presidents who were impeached by the House of Representatives. Both avoided conviction by the U.S. Senate.
Trump’s approval numbers remained stagnant this week, remaining unchanged at 45 percent; 50 percent of those polled disapproved of the job Trump has done so far, and 38 percent strongly disapproved of the president.
The poll was conducted May 25-30 and interviewed 1,991 registered voters and has a margin of error of +/- 2 percentage poi

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