Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Another Victory For Trump And A Slap In The Face To Obama

Trump to Roll Back Obama’s Policies on Cuba


President Donald Trump intends to announce a series of rollbacks to former President Barack Obama’s widely panned policies toward Cuba in a speech to be delivered in Miami next month, according to news reports.
Driven in part by recommendations from Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, and Florida’s Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, the rollbacks will entail a reemergence of some of the hardline policies the U.S. maintained with Cuba prior to Obama’s presidency, according to The Daily Caller.
During the end of his tenure, the former president not only publicly agreed with Cuban President Raul Castro’s criticism of America over the United States’ alleged human rights violation, but he also eased trade and travel restrictions with the despot’s repressive regime.

According to Reuters, Trump’s rollbacks will “call for tightening some of the trade and travel rules that Obama eased.”
“I am confident that President Trump will treat Cuba like the dictatorship it is and that our policy going forward will reflect the fact that it is not in the national interest of the United States for us to be doing business with the Cuban military,” Rubio said in a statement last month.
It’s not actually expected that the president will seek a “full-scale reversal,” however, simply because of the effects closing off the Cuban market might have on the U.S. economy, according to Reuters.
John Kavulich, president of the nonpartisan U.S.–Cuba Trade and Economic Council, told The Daily Caller that Tump is likely to impose “increased enforcement relating to travel” and pursue “a focus upon discouraging transactions with entities controlled by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of the Republic of Cuba.”
He added that Trump has been planning to announce the rollbacks since February but has been sidetracked by other issues.
Amazingly, Trump’s expected push to reimpose hardliner policies against Cuba have already drawn fire from some Republicans, including Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, who last week reportedly touted “the inherent right of Americans to travel to Cuba.”

That right does not exist, sir, though the right to say stupid things definitely does.
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