Thursday, May 11, 2017

Comey Firing Might Be Just The First Of Many. FBI Is Getting Too Big For Their Britches

DISASTER: The FBI’s War On Trump Has Just Reached DEFCON 1

Photo by Samuel Corum/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
According to The Washington Post, in the aftermath of President Trump’s firing 
of FBI director James Comey, agents are now focused in laserlike fashion on
 taking Trump down. Here’s the report:
Many employees said they were furious about the firing, saying the circumstances of his dismissal did more damage to the FBI’s independence than anything Comey did in his three-plus years in the

One intelligence official who works on Russian espionage matters said they were more determined than ever to pursue such cases. Another said Comey’s firing and the subsequent comments from the White House are attacks that won’t soon be forgotten. Trump had “essentially declared war on a lot of people at the FBI,” one official said. “I think there will be a concerted effort to respond over time in kind.”
The FBI director serves at the pleasure of the president. Trump’s firing of Comey 
might be a cover-up, as the Left claims; it’s just as likely (significantly more likely
 in my view) that Trump just wanted Comey gone, and Trump has terrible timing.
 But regardless, the notion that the members of the intelligence community are 
now empowered morally or legally to redouble their efforts to damage Trump is 
anti-republican and frightening. The intelligence community is not its own shadow 
government, poised to strike the head of the executive branch because he takes
 a measure for which he has full constitutional authority.
Months ago, just as President Trump prepared to take office, a wave of 
mainstream media reports emerged suggesting that the intelligence community 
hated Trump and would work to take him down. In January, Trump tweeted 
about the intelligence agencies leaking information about confidential briefings,
 in typical Trumpian fashion:

Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?

While the language was ridiculous, the concern wasn’t off base. Senate Minority
 Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatened Trump with the intelligence community
 cudgel: “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six 
ways from Sunday to get back at you. So, even for a practical, supposedly 
hard-nosed businessman, he is being really dumb to do this.” As I wrote 
at the time, “This is actually frightening stuff. The intelligence community
 isn’t its own government.”
In February, Trump enemies began endorsing the notion of an intelligence 
community coup. Then, in March, tape emerged of former Obama deputy 
assistant secretary of defense Evelyn Farkas explaining that she had told her 
friends in the intelligence community to preserve information on Trump before
 Obama left office out of “fear that somehow that information would disappear
 with the senior [Obama] people who left, so it would be hidden away in the
 bureaucracy … that the Trump folks — if they found out how we knew what 
we knew about their … the Trump staff dealing with Russians — that they 
would try to compromise those sources and methods.” Farkas said that 
intelligence officials had distributed the information widely to avoid it being 
But this report from The Washington Post is on another level entirely. It isn’t
 second-hand discussions by a former official of conversations she supposedly 
had years ago. It’s contemporaneous reporting of what is happening right 
now inside the FBI. And that should frighten anyone of good conscience.

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