Monday, May 1, 2017

Don't Block An Intersection In North Carolina!

North Carolina House Passes Bill To Protect Motorists Who Hit Protesters While Driving


A bill that has passed North Carolina’s House of Representatives would shield motorists who unintentionally hit protesters blocking roads from civil liability, WFAE reported.
House Bill 330, introduced by Rep. Justin Burr, “provides that a person driving an automobile while exercising due care is immune for civil liability for any injury to another if the injured person was participating in a demonstration or protest and blocking traffic.”
It passed the House of Representatives by a 67-48 vote on Thursday, the Raleigh News & Observer reported.

“As we’ve seen, time and time again, as folks run out in the middle of the streets and the interstates in Charlotte and attempt to block traffic,” Burr said. The Republican said he wants to make sure “drivers don’t have to fear driving through Charlotte or anywhere in North Carolina.”
“This bill does not allow for the driver of a vehicle to target protesters intentionally,” he added. “It does protect individuals who are rightfully trying to drive down the road.”
Protests blocking roads and highways were common in Charlotte after the death of Keith Lamont Scott last year.
Needless to say, Democrats pitched a fit.
“We all know this is being done to try to make a point about protests,” said Democrat Greg Meyer. “It is just going to embarrass us. There is no good reason to pass this bill.”
Yes, apparently, protesters blocking roads for no good reason aren’t going to embarrass the state of North Carolina, but a bill protecting motorists from lawsuits will.

The bill now heads to the Senate for approval. One hopes the upper chamber acts quickly and passes this bill.
Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you think every state should have a law like this on the books.
What do you think about what North Carolina just did?

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