Friday, May 12, 2017

How Long Will It Take For Heather To File A Lawsuit? This Feels, Smells And Sounds Like A Setup


Watch: Liberal woman claims assault after being ‘offended’ by Confederate flag rug
Heather Franklin of Oregon taped her meltdown over Confederate flag rugs. She claimed she was attacked in a store that was selling them. (Image source via screenshot)

Heather Franklin of Portland, Oregon, filmed herself confronting employees of a rug store on Wednesday because she was offended by Confederate flags that were hanging for sale on the store’s wall.
“You don’t care about having hate flags on your wall?” Franklin asked, approaching store employees as she filmed. “It’s a symbol of slavery, it’s like having a swastika on your wall.”
A man that Franklin zeroed in on responded and told the woman to learn history, denying that the Confederate flag — in this case, rug — was a hate symbol.
“How is that a hate symbol?” he asked. “You should read your history.”
One of the employees gave Franklin and her camera the middle finger and said, “Bye, b****,” and asked whether she’d been a Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders supporter.
“Which one did you vote for that lost?” the employee asked. “Is that why you’re in a bad mood?”
Franklin answered that she was in a bad mood because there was a hate symbol on the wall.
Franklin was eventually asked to leave the store, but she continued to film from the parking lot.
As she filmed, two of the men she spoke with in the store also exited and when she saw them, she began screaming, “Let me leave! Don’t come any closer!”
On the video, Franklin can be heard saying that she was trying to leave and insinuated that the men were preventing her doing so. However, the men never actually approached her — according to her video — despite her pleas for them to leave her alone.
When another woman in the parking lot approached Franklin to see if she required assistance, Franklin insisted that one of the men attacked her in the store.
“I’m not [OK],” she cried, “he just attacked me in the store!”
No attack was caught on camera.
When the story went viral, the store’s CEO, Andrew Toolson, removed the rugs and placed the two employees on leave.
See the video below as well as Toolson’s statement on putting the employees on indefinite leave.
Warning: the video below contains NSFW language.

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