Monday, May 15, 2017

If A DACA Person Has A Conviction, They Should Be Deported.

Arrest Record Puts Activist DREAMer on ‘Priority’ Deportation List


An illegal immigration activist who became a poster-child for the open borders lobby is now facing deportation to Mexico.

Activist Jessica Colotl has been notified by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that her protected status under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program had been revoked, according to FOX 5 Atlanta.
Colotl’s attorney gave FOX 5 a document signed by officials with ICE which stated that her revoked DACA status was “Due to respondent’s criminal history,” citing that “she is an enforcement priority…”
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is now requesting that an immigration judge deport Colotl back to Mexico, the country where she came from when she was 10-years-old.
ICE officials cited that Colotl’s prioritized deportation was mainly because of her arrest record, where in 2010 she was taken into custody after driving without a license and for being in the U.S. illegally. Officials also said Colotl made a false statement to police at the time.
“Jessica Colotl, an unlawfully present Mexican national, admitted guilt to a felony charge in august 2011 of making a false statement to law enforcement in Cobb County, Georgia,” the statement from ICE to FOX 5 stated. “Under federal law, her guilty plea is considered a felony conviction for immigration purposes.”
While open borders attorney Charles Kuck said he has never seen a DACA recipient have their protected status revoked because of a criminal charge, Breitbart Texas has reported on President Donald Trump’s Administration’s subtle changes to DACA.
Leaving the lax enforcement measures of the Obama Administration behind, Trump is seeking the deportation of almost every illegal immigrant who is charged with a crime, as Breitbart Texas reported.
Trump, though, has yet to shutter DACA, despite calls from pro-American immigration advocates and voters to end the program.
Back in 2010, Colotl became the face for the amnesty legislation known as the ‘DREAM Act,’ which ultimately failed to make it through Congress. At the time, CNN gave the illegal immigrant a glowing profile with the help of the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, claiming her arrest was part of a “civil rights disaster.”
John Binder is a contributor for Breitbart Texas.

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