Monday, May 29, 2017

Snow Storm Of "Snowflakes" Hit Notre Dame Graduation

Watch: Crowd Boos Notre Dame Students Who Walked Out on Pence’s Commencement


It may be late May, but snowflakes were still falling in South Bend, Indiana over the weekend. That’s where a group of triggered liberals walked out on Vice President Mike Pence’s commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame.
Yet, something funny happened on the way to liberal sainthood for these liberals — they got plenty of boos as they walked out of the stadium.
As you can see from the video, the walkout came at the beginning of Pence’s speech.

The applause for Pence drowned out the boos from some quarters of the stands:

A large group of students just walked out of Notre Dame's commencement during VP Mike Pence's address. 

It’s much more apparent, however, in this video:

And boy, the speech they protested was quite the conservative humdinger from the former Indiana Senator. He said divisive things like telling students to “lead for good” and “be exceptional from this day forth,” according to WNDU-TV.
Watch: Crowd Boos Notre Dame Students Who Walked Out on Pence’s Commencement
And he also took the opportunity to stand up for the most fascistic of all political constructs: the free exchange of ideas.
“Notre Dame is a campus where deliberation is welcomed,” Pence said. “Where opposing views are debated. And where every speaker, no matter how unpopular or unfashionable is afforded the right to air their views in the open for all to hear.”
This guy says unfashionable ideas should be welcomed on college campuses? A veritable Mussolini, this Pence fellow! It can happen here, America!
Needless to say, some parents weren’t terribly impressed by the walkout.

“I think it’s kind of an indictment of the way that our education system has turned from a place where you have a free discourse of ideas to a place if you hear something you don’t agree with, you run away,” said Kevin Munro, a former graduate of Notre Dame who was watching his daughter get her diploma.
Of course, to the students walking out, it probably didn’t occur that anyone might have other ideas than the ones they hold. Given the safe-space environment of the modern college campus, Pence’s speech may have been the first time any of them had to be exposed to a conservative speaker for any prolonged length of time — even at the Catholic Notre Dame.
No wonder they walked out. It must be a downer, after four years of schooling, to discover not everyone agrees with you.
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