Sunday, May 14, 2017

Trey Gowdy Would Be A Good FBI Director

Breaking: Internet Explodes as Trey Gowdy Pushed to Replace Comey


President Donald Trump shocked the nation Tuesday by firing FBI Director James Comey, largely due to his unprofessional handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation as well as some of his public statements in congressional hearings on that and other matters.
According to Independent Journal Review, many people on the right let out a cheer, as they have been waiting for Comey to be fired since he let Clinton off the hook in the summer of 2016.
Meanwhile, Democrats who up until Tuesday were vehemently calling for Comey’s ouster due to his alleged sabotage of Clinton’s campaign just before November’s election, were suddenly backing Comey to the hilt, newly outraged that such a shining example of an impartial lawman could be fired so ingloriously.

However, among the celebrations and grievous outcries percolating on the Internet, one name consistently drew mention as the top potential replacement as head of the FBI, that being Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, a veritable rock-star in conservative circles.

To be fair, The Associated Press listed Gowdy as one of four top potential replacements for Comey, the other three being NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.

While there are certainly pros and cons to any of those others mentioned, the former South Carolina prosecutor who has gained prominence in Congress by chairing the Benghazi Select Committee investigation as well as grilling countless bureaucrats who appeared before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, seems a logical choice.

Were Gowdy to be appointed as the next FBI director, he would essentially join forces with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, making quite a formidable team when it comes to Trump’s agenda of re-instituting law and order and respect for the rule of law, something that has been lacking over the past eight years.

Perhaps surprisingly, Gowdy even has a modicum of support from across the political aisle, albeit from his home state, as a South Carolina Democrat just let it be known that he would fully support Gowdy to head up the FBI, as he is a straight shooter and thoroughly honest man, according to The State.

Dems are going to hate me for this. I don't care. The best replacement for Comey is Trey Gowdy. He's as honest as day is long.

“Dems are going to hate me for this. I don’t care. The best replacement for Comey is Trey Gowdy,” tweeted Bakari Sellers, a former Democrat State House member from South Carolina. “He’s as honest as day is long.”

Obviously, we have no idea yet who Trump will appoint to be Comey’s replacement, but we certainly agree with the sentiment expressed by many others that Trey Gowdy would be excellent in that role.
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Who do you think should be the next FBI director?

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