Friday, May 26, 2017

Trump's Numbers Are Up. Maybe He Should Travel More!!

THE PRESIDENT ABROAD: Trump's Approval Rating Pops To 48 Percent. Here Are 3 Reasons Why.

Vatican Pool - Corbis/Corbis via Getty ImagesPresident of United States of America Donald Trump and Wife Melania Trump meet Pope Francis, on May 22, 2017 in Vatican City, Vatican.
On Wednesday, Rasmussen Reports released its daily presidential tracking 
poll, putting Trump at a 48 percent approval rating. That’s a four-point jump in 
two days from Rasmussen, and a five point increase from his recent low of 43 
percent on May 16. Now, it’s worth noting that other polls are far less favorable
to Trump – two contemporaneous polls, The Economist and Gallup, have him 
at 40 percent and 38 percent respectively.
But if the Trump bump is real, it makes some sense. That’s for three reasons.
1. Trump Isn’t Tweeting. Because Trump is overseas and busily traveling the
 globe, he’s not up at all hours watching MSNBC and CNN and tweeting nasty
 notes to the hosts, or retweeting botched summaries of
 Fox & Friends chyrons. He’s also not pouring more gasoline on the Trump-
Russia kindling the media have set – he hasn’t tweeted about FBI director 
James Comey or reports that he told intelligence officials he’d appreciate it 
if they’d exonerate him or any of the other anonymous material coming out 
daily from the media. That means that these stories tend to die quickly, since
 anonymous stories aren’t being confirmed by Trump’s own hand – and since 
Trump isn’t insisting that his communications team rush to the nearest 
microphone to parrot his talking points. Most of the damage on the Trump-
Russia score has been self-inflicted – and that’s easy to see when Trump 
stops inflicting said damage on himself.
2. The Country Isn’t Collapsing. Trump left the country; the country is fine. 
The left promulgates a myth whereby the president must sit at the controls of
 the airliner that is the United States each and every minute lest we all go full 
Zombie Apocalypse on one another. Instead, Trump is out of the country
 partying it up with glowing orbs and swords, and the country’s getting along 
just fine. Nobody’s dying. Nobody’s panicking. In other words, a predictable 
government is the best available option, and Trump gallivanting around 
reminds us all that he’s not capable of screwing this up.
3. Terrorism Is A Winning Issue For Trump. The terror attack on Monday
 obviously helps Trump politically because the left is so damned irresponsible
 about it. Trump’s perspective – fewer unvetted Muslims in the West means
fewer unvetted Muslims killing other people in the West – is eminently correct. 
His skepticism of radical Islam resonates far better than the left’s asinine John 
Lennon Imagine-esque pseudo-philosophy. Trump was elected to “bomb the
 s***” out of ISIS. Seeing the slaughter of eight-year-old girls at a pop concert
 reminds people that’s a task worth pursuing.
President Trump should be making notes. When he comes back to the United
 States, he should be the same President Trump we’re seeing abroad: muted
 but strong, a bombastic showman when the time is right. 

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