Wednesday, May 10, 2017

We Would Not Want Students To Live With Others That Are Different, From Themselves, Would We? Complete Gibberish

Rejoice, snowflakes: College is turning a dorm into a ‘Social Justice Living Environment’


Rejoice, snowflakes: College is turning a dorm into a ‘Social Justice Living Environment’
The Hallett Hall dorm at the University of Colorado Boulder will become a trio of "Living and Learning Communities" this fall. The Living and Learning Communities are "open to any and all students who are interested in social justice," the school said.(Image source: YouTube screenshot)

The University of Colorado at Boulder — a decidedly liberal campus in a well-known liberal town — is transforming one of its dorms into a “Social Justice Living Environment.”
So when students arrive for the fall semester, they’ll find that Hallett Hall has become a trio of “Living and Learning Communities,” the school noted in a recent news release.
One of the LLCs — called “Spectrum” — already exists and supports “LGBTQIA-identified students and allies.” It will be joined by another LLC — called “Lucile B. Buchanan” — which will support “black-identified students and their allies.” The third LLC — called “Multicultural Perspectives” — will “create a community for students passionate about diversity and engaging in meaningful dialogue.”
The Living and Learning Communities are “open to any and all students who are interested in social justice,” the school said.
In addition, the Spectrum LLC’s living area features “gender-neutral bathrooms which create greater access and privacy,” CU Boulder noted.
The school added that the Lucille B. Buchanan LLC — presumably named after CU Boulder’s first black female graduate — “provides a supportive, social and communal space for students, specifically those identifying with elements of the African & Black Diaspora and their community allies.”
The programming details for the Multicultural Perspectives LLC indicates that “students can participate in campus-wide advocacy programs and initiatives.”
“I’m looking forward to meeting the incoming students, hearing their stories and learning about their passion for social justice,” said Valerie Gao, one of the dorm’s new peer mentors. “I am hugely passionate about social justice and community disparities in the context of health, and I believe everybody has a unique role in the movement toward social equity.”
(H/T: Campus Reform)

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