Sunday, May 7, 2017

Weiner Emails Contain Classified Information

New Huma Emails Break… Contain Unsecured Hillary Message Referring to Cybersecurity


A new batch of emails sent or received through former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unsecured email server by top aide Huma Abedin has been unearthed by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, and it revealed even more classified information passed through the server during Clinton’s time at the State Department than previously thought.
In addition, a jaw-droppingly ironic message involving a cybersecurity meeting with the woman who replaced Clinton in the Senate was included in the latest trove of messages, which was obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act request.
The emails included “894 pages of new State Department documents, including previously unreleased email exchanges in which former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was sent additional classified information through her unsecure email account by top aide Huma Abedin,” according to a Judicial Watch news release.

“The Abedin emails also include repeated instances of Clinton’s detailed daily schedules being sent to top Clinton Foundation officials at unsecured email addresses,” the release added.
The new batch of emails also included 29 conversations that hadn’t been turned over to the State Department, bringing the grand total of emails not turned over to 317.
“These records further appear to contradict statements by Clinton that, ‘as far as she knew,’ all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department,” Judicial Watch said.
A message from three days later from Clinton was also released saying “Pls review the memcon of my call w FM Kouchener (sic) (Redacted),” indicating more classified material, apparently related to then-French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner.
Then there were emails from Abedin that revealed that scheduler Lona Valmoro forwarded the secretary of state’s schedule to Clinton Foundation officials, once again showing the blurred lines between the State Department and Hillary Clinton’s “charitable foundation.”
That was hardly the only appearance of the Clintons’ well-heeled slush-fund in the documents.

“On Jan. 17, 2010, five days after the massive Haitian earthquake, former Bill Clinton aide Justin Cooper emails Hillary Clinton’s then-deputy chiefs of staff, Jake Sullivan and Huma Abedin, to ask if they can do a conference call to discuss Haiti,” Judicial Watch noted.
“Clinton Foundation officials Laura Graham and Doug Band are also provided the call-in information for the conference call. (Author Peter Schweizer would later describe in his book ‘Clinton Cash’ how the Obama administration, during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, allowed hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer-funded reconstruction contracts for Haiti to flow through the Clinton Foundation.)”
And then there was the most darkly humorous of the emails — one in which Abedin reminded staff about a cybersecurity meeting with New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, the Democrat who replaced Clinton in the Senate when she took the job at the State Department.
“These new emails show Hillary Clinton is a serial violator of various laws concerning the handling of classified material,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in the group’s news release. “The initial investigation into this criminal matter was compromised by (former President) Barack Obama’s corrupted FBI and Justice Department. This new information should spur new federal criminal investigations.”
Whether or not that will happen is very much an open question; chants of “lock her up!” have become noticeably less common since President Donald Trump’s election in November. However, this trove of emails proves anew that Hillary Clinton knew that classified information was passing through her homebrew server and covered it up.
That sounds a lot like the grounds for an investigation to me.
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