Tuesday, May 9, 2017

When You Sleep With Dogs, You Get Fleas. A Lesson To Obama Supporters

EVIL: Former Obama Official Celebrates Mass Killings Of Christians In Egypt: ‘What Goes Around Comes Around’

Screenshot from Twitter
Hell hath no fury like a bitter Obama administration official. In a disturbing tweet
posted Sunday, a high-ranking member of Obama’s Department of Homeland
 Security Advisory Council suggested that ISIS’ brutal slaughter of Christians
in Egypt was meant to be.
“What goes around, comes around,” tweeted Mohamed Elibiary.
Explicitly using the Arabic phrase, “Subhanallah,” or “Glory to Allah,” the
 former DHS official appeared to be exalting Allah for enacting cosmic
 revenge against Coptic Christians through ISIS messengers of death.
“Subhanallah how what goes around comes around,” he said in the tweet.
“Coptic ldrs did same to MB [Muslim Brotherhood] Egyptians.”

Here is the tweet. Shockingly, it's still up as of the publication of this article.
Elibiary has a history of pro-Islamist views.
He was so extreme, in fact, that the Obama administration fired him in
September 2014. As The Daily Caller reported, Elibiary suggested that
 a return of the Islamic Caliphate was all but “inevitable.” Elibiary once even
 insisted that the United States was “an Islamic country with an Islamically
 compliant constitution,” an assertion that likely made the founding fathers
 roll over in their graves.
Elibiary’s latest comments aren’t just beyond pale; they’re cruel and depraved.
Coptic Christians are among the most persecuted people in the world. As The
 Daily Wire reported in April, ISIS bombers detonated multiple explosives at
 Coptic churches this last Palm Sunday in an act of vengeance against the
Christian community in Egypt. The massacre resulted in the deaths of at
 least 44 people. The attacks came just months after Islamist militants
 detonated a large bomb in Cairo’s main Coptic Christian Cathedral, killing
 25 people and injuring 49 others.
Egypt’s Christians have suffered every kind of death imaginable. From
suicide bombings to targeted killings, Islamic terrorists, namely ISIS,
have come up with creative ways of the slaughtering the innocent.
Elibiary not only knows about these horrifying incidents, but he praises
 the messengers of death for carrying out the supposed will of Allah with
 lethal force.
Friedrich Nietzsche once said that “Man is the cruelest animal.”
 Elibiary shows us why that’s true.

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