Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Democrat Proposes Impeachement

And so it begins… Dem impeachment effort proposed

A California House Democrat on Monday unveiled an article of impeachment proposal against President Donald Trump, arguing that he “acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President” in firing former FBI Director James Comey.
Rep. Brad Sherman sent a letter to his legislative colleagues Monday announcing that he plans to force a floor vote on his measure.
“I would hope that the Article, once submitted, would receive expeditious consideration by the Judiciary Committee. However, if it becomes clear that such consideration is not forthcoming, I (after consultation with colleagues and leadership) will make a privileged motion that the entire House of Representatives immediately debate the Article,” he said.
House Democrats have used such “privileged” motions almost every week since Trump’s election to for votes on resolutions which would force the president to release his tax returns.
Sherman’s current article of impeachment states that Trump “has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.”
The lawmaker believes there is currently evidence enough to bring an obstruction charge against the president, but says he may file further articles as investigations continue.
“As the investigations move forward, additional evidence supporting additional Articles of Impeachment may emerge. However, as to Obstruction of Justice… the evidence we have is sufficient to move forward now. And the national interest requires that we do so,” Sherman wrote.
Despite Sherman’s claims, the Democratic leadership is currently distancing itself from calls for impeachment and his legislation isn’t likely to get formal attention in the GOP controlled House.
Still, if an impeachment effort begins to gain traction, some watchers say Trump may not have the legislative support to pull through.
As Axios’s Mike Allen noted Monday: “Beyond his base voters, Trump has an even bigger potential problem looming with his base in Congress. While Republican lawmakers won’t say it publicly, it’s widely known if they could pick between President Pence and President Trump, the Vice President would win 90% of the vote among the GOP.”

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