Monday, June 12, 2017

For All Of Those Who Thought Melania Trump Would Not Move To The White House, You Are Wrong

Melania, Barron Move Into White House

"Looking forward to the memories we'll make in our new home!"


First lady Melania Trump completed a journey unlike any other this weekend as the ex-model born on the Communist side of the Cold War’s Iron Curtain moved into the White House to oversee the East Wing of the storied presidential residence.
On Sunday, the first lady, President Donald Trump and their son Barron, 11, arrived at the White House, reuniting the first family after almost five months of living apart.
The Trumps arrived at Andrews Air Force base in Maryland on Sunday after a weekend in New Jersey, then took Marine One to the White House. Barron was seen wearing a T-shirt with “The Expert” written on it as his parents held hands.

Melania’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, joined the Trumps.
The Knavs have been living at Trump Tower but now will be helping care for Barron at the White House, although they do not plan to relocate full-time to Washington.

Melania Trump announced her arrival Sunday via Twitter.

“Looking forward to the memories we’ll make in our new home! #Movingday,” she tweeted.
Her communications director, Stephanie Grisham confirmed the move.

“It’s official! @FLOTUS & Barron have made the move to DC! #WelcomeHome,” she tweeted Sunday night.

The change will make a major difference in the ability of Barron and his mother to live outside the spotlight.
“In New York City, both of them basically hide in plain sight; blending into the fabric of the city is an easier task,” said former Secret Service agent Jonathan Wackrow.
The first lady also has the burden of expectations.
“I do think once she’s in D.C. there’ll be more pressure for her to be working on something that’s her own, that’s helping some segment of the population, because that’s what first ladies are supposed to do,” said Jean Harris, professor of political science and women’s studies at the University of Scranton.
Melania Trump has highlighted the challenges facing women.
“We must continue once again to shine a light on the horrendous atrocities taking place around the corner and around the globe,” she said at the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Awards ceremony in March.
“We must continue to fight injustice in all its forms, in whatever scale or shape it takes in our lives. Together, we must declare that the era of allowing brutality against women and children is over, while affirming that the time for empowering women around the world is now. For wherever women are diminished, the entire world is diminished with them.”
She has also shown she has not forgotten her roots.
“As an immigrant myself, having grown up in a communist society, I know all too well the value and importance of freedom and equal opportunity — ideals (on) which this great nation was founded and has continued to strive towards throughout its history,” she said in her remarks on International Women’s Day.
“There remains far more brutal and terrifying incarnations of actual gender persecution which we must face together, such as forced enslavement, sexual abuse and absolute repression of far too many women and girls around the globe. We must remember these women in our daily prayers and use our combined resources to help free them from such unthinkable and inhumane circumstances,” she said.
What do you think?

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