Monday, June 26, 2017

Gay Parade Interrupted By Cop Hating BLM Malcontents

BLM Protesters at Gay Pride Parade Demand Removal of All Cops


Black Lives Matter protesters interrupted a the gay pride parade in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Sunday and made an absurd demand.
Unhappy with the organizers of the Twin Cities Pride Festival having policeman at the event, WCCO reported that the Black Lives Matter protesters stopped the parade for about an hour and demanded the officers leave.
Organizers of the pride parade had disinvited police after St. Anthony police officer Jeronimo Yanez was acquitted in the 2016 death of Philando Castile. However, on Friday, were re-invited.
Around 40 officers were at the march, including Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau, who worked to have the officers re-invited. Harteau, who is openly gay, said the move was “divisive,” adding that it “really hurt so many in our community,” including LGBT officers.
Just after the parade began, Black Lives Matter demonstrators jumped in front of an unmarked police cruiser and demanded the officers be removed from the parade.

Then they staged a die-in, followed by a moment of silence for those who had been affected by police violence.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that the protesters marched about two blocks ahead of the parade and headed toward Loring Park, where the Pride Festival was taking place. No arrests were made, according to police spokesman Corey Schmidt.
The fact that BLM protesters interrupted a gay pride event demonstrates how the left continues to destroy itself. BLM apparently wants to be the most victimized group in the Democrat Party — a party divided by group identity. With so many groups vying for the top tier of victimhood, no one wins.
Furthermore, police were at the parade to help protect those participating from possible attacks. Apparently, protecting people is not as important as protesting police.
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Do you think the left will destroy itself from all of its divisions?

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