Monday, June 12, 2017

How Many Children Have Fidget Spinners? Our Guess Is Most! Again Media Attacks Barron Trump.

Sick: Barron Trump Roasted for Holding Innocent Item in Photograph


It appears the “children are off limits” rule simply does not apply to President Donald Trump and his family, at least in the mind of hateful leftists.
The Washington Free Beacon reported that first lady Melania Trump and 11-year-old son Barron arrived in Washington, D.C. this weekend to finally move into the White House. Nevertheless, many people were preoccupied with what was in the young child’s hand.
Fidget spinners have become quite the fad recently as millions of young children and teens have procured the small three-pronged metal and plastic devices that spin around on ball-bearings. The small toy is said to be helpful in dealing with anxiety or attention deficit disorder, although some children simply enjoy playing with it.

Newsweek reported that some on social media were thrilled to see Barron with the same toy as their own children, but he also received quite a few nasty comments as well.

OMG!!! Barron Trump has a Fidget Spinner just like every single boy in my daughters class!

The Independent Journal Review reported that many social media users mocked Barron for holding the toy as he deplaned from Air Force One.

Some users implied Barron has special needs or is using the toy to deal with the anxiety of being in the Trump family. Others simply used the opportunity to attack Barron’s father, President Donald Trump.

Barron Trump seen with a fidget spinner. I can't help but wonder if it's his or his father's 🤔

Barron has a fidget spinner, does this mean they're right-wing now

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Some also used the opportunity to attack Melania Trump.

For those keeping score at home, Trump’s youngest son has been attacked repeatedly since the November election.
Barron has been called “autistic,” a “special needs” child, a mass shooter in training and an animal mutilator, among other things. Oh, he has also been attacked over his looks. Yes, all this for the innocent 11-year-old son of the president.

Check out Barron Trump playing with his fidget spinner as he departs Air Force One.
@BasedMonitored @fins4evr Barron, smart kid! Fidget spinner, excellent distraction for anxiety...

Now we will wait for the media to once again reimpose the age-old tradition of declaring presidential children off-limits when a Democrat is back in office. Let’s hope that’s not for another 8 years.
Like and share on Facebook and Twitter so everyone can see how Barron Trump was attacked for the simple fact that he plays with a fidget spinner — just like millions of other kids.
What do you think of leftists attacking young Barron Trump? 

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