Friday, June 2, 2017

If Any Show Includes Kathy Griffin, Conservatives Should Protest Her

Kathy Griffin Slams Elisabeth Hasselbeck for Being Critical of the President


When it comes to President Donald Trump, we know that Kathy Griffin doesn’t have too much respect for the office. After all, she pretty much flushed her career down the drain (or the Squatty Potty) after her controversial photo shoot showing her holding up an effigy of the president’s severed head.
However, when President Barack Obama was in office, Griffin felt a bit differently. According to Mediaite, in 2012, she criticized Elisabeth Hasselbeck — once the token conservative on “The View” — for asking Obama during the campaign whether he would “move things forward any more than Mitt Romney” on gay marriage.
On her Bravo show “Kathy,” Griffin opined that Hasselbeck’s “attitude to the president, who was a Harvard Law professor,” lacked the dialectical niceties that ought to be afforded America’s commander-in-chief.

Or, in the parlance of Ms. Griffin: “I’m, like, take it down a notch, b****.”
“That body language,” Griffin continued, “I don’t like that. I don’t like Jan Brewer in Arizona going like this to the president on the tarmac (and wagging his finger). I don’t like that. When I was on ‘The View,’ Barbara Walters said you respect the office.”
That statement would seem awfully ironic less than five years later, but her rant on Hasselbeck continued in a similarly po-faced manner.
“I mean, I just love the first sentence, which is, ‘Actually, Elisabeth, that’s not true,’” Griffin said, talking about Obama’s response. “So, I like how he’s so patient with her.”
When they put up a photo of Hasselbeck, Griffin said, “No, don’t show that nice pretty picture of her. Do not, after all that … after all the names she’s called me, show the f****** crazy face, OK? But, anyway, so what do you think that moment was like? I mean, what do you think it was like for Elisabeth Hasselbeck, a runner-up from ‘Survivor,’ to be, like, stepping up like that to the president, and then, by the way, not being completely accurate.”
When someone pointed out Obama had tweeted that Hasselbeck was his “favorite Republican,” Griffin responded with typical tact: “I mean, look, he’s a gentlemanly guy, and he probably said it, but, you know, I’ll say she’s a c***.” Respectful!
The full video is at Mediaite; we’re not going to embed it here due to its vulgarity. Suffice it to say it’s about as unhinged as you’d imagine from somebody who thought holding up the effigial severed head of the president was a solid career move.
Just to review: Any conservative who deigned to ask Obama a simple question is not showing respect to the office. Severed heads of Republican presidents, however, are perfectly fine for photo shoots.
I’d normally say that Griffin needs to take it down a notch. However, it seems like that bulk of that work has already done for her.
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